If there has been a common thread throughout my week, it has been submission to authority. I've witnessed a variety of situations and seen the result of submitting and not submitting to authority.
In one instance a decision was made not to submit. Their spirit knew the right thing to do was to submit, but their flesh wanted to do it another way. A conflict resulted, causing turmoil in their soul. This kind of spiritual conflict is a clear indication that something is very wrong. As a result, God worked everything out for the good of the body and the person has been released from the turmoil.
In another occasion, the person initially resisted submission. During this time, they were in turmoil as well. This person was angry at the situation and lashed out at the very person who was trying to help them and had their best interest at heart in the long run. When they knew they had no choice, they submitted, and God carried them through the situation just fine.
On two other occasions, these people decided to submit right from the start. They were open, transparent, verbally willing to do whatever was needed and wanted by the authorities above them. Everything went smoothly from the start.
Whenever God shows me something multiple times, I take notice. I ask myself if this is for me, or a teaching opportunity for others I need to pass on. I haven't figured out which one this is yet. I'm kind of chewing on it as I write.
I know from experience the consequences from submitting to authority and not. In my first marriage, I liked to argue my point until I won. For me, it was an exercise, a debate, a war of the minds, almost a game. This behavior, rightly so, didn't sit well with my husband. It undermined him in the very role of leadership God had designed for marriage. As a result, this was one ingredient in the demise of the marriage.
In my second marriage, I've done a 180. I submit. I know my place. I know I'm a helpmate and a complement to my husband and I'm happy to be just that. It doesn't mean that I cower or don't share my opinion. It means that once my husband has considered my opinion and all the options, I support his decision. It creates harmony in the home. Our home is at peace because we operate as we should in our marriage relationship. Ephesians 5:22-24 "Wives, submit to your husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything."
In regard to other areas of our lives, our work, our ministry, the government, etc., Romans 13:1-7 tells us "Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you. For he is God's servant to do you good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing. He is God's servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also because of conscience. This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God's servants, who give their full time to governing. Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor."
So, who are the authorities that are over you? In a check of myself, I'm going to write each one down, and ask God to shine a bright light on any that I am not submitting to, so I can correct the situation.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Shoulder Update
Monday my friend Terry from church, who has the gift of healing and intercession, asked if she could pray for me about anything. I explained my shoulder situation and her hands started getting hot. She knew she had to lay her hands on my shoulder and pray for me, so she did. Her hands were indeed hot, and it felt so good. In fact, it was warm and comfortable for a long time afterwards. Since she prayed for me, I haven't had any pain in my shoulder and have actually gained 6 inches in my stretching this week. It feels comfortable. In fact, I've been able to easily pull shirts on and off without difficulty the last few days. I'm confident God is in the process of healing my shoulder. Everyday is better.
I saw the orthopedic specialist today. My radiologists diagnosis from my MRI said it was impingement (pinching) of the rotator cuff, which causes tendinitis. This is a general 'catch all' diagnosis when nothing else stands out. After looking at my x-rays and MRI and doing a brief exam, the specialist is confident I have frozen shoulder syndrome. There are three phases of this condition:
1. Mostly constant pain and lack of movement.
2. No pain with lack of movement.
3. No pain with normal movement.
I'm definitely in stage 2 when I don't over do my arm with a lot of vacuuming, scrubbing, reaching, etc. There are three options for treating this condition.
1. Do nothing. The shoulder will correct itself within 3 years.
2. Do Physical Therapy. People who do this are usually stoic because they will work the arm by stretching and strengthening the muscles, which can cause pain, but it is quicker than a 3 year fix.
3. Go under general anesthesia and have the shoulder forced into position. This is for people who are tired of the pain and lack of full use and just want it fixed now.
I'm opting for option #2, Physical Therapy. I know I've lost muscle mass since I've been injured so I think building up my arm is a good idea. I think God has or is repairing any damage that I've done by moving my arm in quick movements. So, that's the plan. I'll keep you posted as time goes on.
I saw the orthopedic specialist today. My radiologists diagnosis from my MRI said it was impingement (pinching) of the rotator cuff, which causes tendinitis. This is a general 'catch all' diagnosis when nothing else stands out. After looking at my x-rays and MRI and doing a brief exam, the specialist is confident I have frozen shoulder syndrome. There are three phases of this condition:
1. Mostly constant pain and lack of movement.
2. No pain with lack of movement.
3. No pain with normal movement.
I'm definitely in stage 2 when I don't over do my arm with a lot of vacuuming, scrubbing, reaching, etc. There are three options for treating this condition.
1. Do nothing. The shoulder will correct itself within 3 years.
2. Do Physical Therapy. People who do this are usually stoic because they will work the arm by stretching and strengthening the muscles, which can cause pain, but it is quicker than a 3 year fix.
3. Go under general anesthesia and have the shoulder forced into position. This is for people who are tired of the pain and lack of full use and just want it fixed now.
I'm opting for option #2, Physical Therapy. I know I've lost muscle mass since I've been injured so I think building up my arm is a good idea. I think God has or is repairing any damage that I've done by moving my arm in quick movements. So, that's the plan. I'll keep you posted as time goes on.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Divine Appointments
I'm happy to have something to blog about. I've been feeling guilty for not blogging daily. Not that there are any rules for blogging, but I feel is is a responsibility that if people are going to take the time to check for new information in a blog, it should be there on some sort of consistent basis. I'll try to do better.
The Harvest Crusade exceeded my expectations to say the least. I was amazed at the number of people in the amphitheater and those outside who couldn't get in. 50,000 in three days! I had no idea that many people could get in the grassy bowl I graduated in some 20+ years ago.
There were a couple of stories I'd like to share with you. One I heard of yesterday. We have an ex-49er football player at our church and he was working as a follow-up counselor. God paired him up with a handful of boys, around the age of 10, who had just given their lives to Christ. As they talked, it was revealed they all played football. Can you imagine a real life pro football player counseling you after you accepted Christ? They must have felt like they died and went to heaven. (Figuratively speaking of course!)
Another divine appointment was when my husband and I were joined by a salesman and the man he invited. The salesman had prayed about who to invite. He had over 6700 customers and this man's time kept coming to mind. He invited him and he said yes. Greg talked to him quite a bit before the concert started and learned a lot about his situation. He lost his wife a year ago, his children were in a variety of living situations, he was on disability but wanted to find work as a janitor. He said he had fallen away from church after some private confessions he shared with his church leadership were used against him. He never trusted clergy again. He was fairly stoic during the concert, but when Greg Laurie started to speak, he leaned intently forward, hanging on every word. We prayed for him silently during the message. When the invitation started, he was starting to sob. He went forward and re-dedicated his life to Christ. Greg prayed with him afterwards.
The coolest part for me was the personal stories of this man and seeing the result of an open heart. It was hearing that boys got counseled by a football star. It was hearing Greg Laurie talk about Travis Starn's life and heart in front of 17,000 people. The crusade made me realize that the neatest things in life are getting connected to people and learning their stories. Exchanging wisdom, helping people get to the next step or level in their walk, watching God do amazing things in their lives. It's not always easy, it's not always clean and tidy, it doesn't always leave you with more energy than when you started. Sometimes it leaves you in tears, exhausted, confused, or hurt. But it's worth it. God designed us to get involved in people's lives, to give a leg up, to help wherever and whenever we can. As I saw Greg ask that gentleman a host of questions, sometimes I wondered 'how can you be so nosy?' But the question should have been, 'how can I care too?'.
The Harvest Crusade exceeded my expectations to say the least. I was amazed at the number of people in the amphitheater and those outside who couldn't get in. 50,000 in three days! I had no idea that many people could get in the grassy bowl I graduated in some 20+ years ago.
There were a couple of stories I'd like to share with you. One I heard of yesterday. We have an ex-49er football player at our church and he was working as a follow-up counselor. God paired him up with a handful of boys, around the age of 10, who had just given their lives to Christ. As they talked, it was revealed they all played football. Can you imagine a real life pro football player counseling you after you accepted Christ? They must have felt like they died and went to heaven. (Figuratively speaking of course!)
Another divine appointment was when my husband and I were joined by a salesman and the man he invited. The salesman had prayed about who to invite. He had over 6700 customers and this man's time kept coming to mind. He invited him and he said yes. Greg talked to him quite a bit before the concert started and learned a lot about his situation. He lost his wife a year ago, his children were in a variety of living situations, he was on disability but wanted to find work as a janitor. He said he had fallen away from church after some private confessions he shared with his church leadership were used against him. He never trusted clergy again. He was fairly stoic during the concert, but when Greg Laurie started to speak, he leaned intently forward, hanging on every word. We prayed for him silently during the message. When the invitation started, he was starting to sob. He went forward and re-dedicated his life to Christ. Greg prayed with him afterwards.
The coolest part for me was the personal stories of this man and seeing the result of an open heart. It was hearing that boys got counseled by a football star. It was hearing Greg Laurie talk about Travis Starn's life and heart in front of 17,000 people. The crusade made me realize that the neatest things in life are getting connected to people and learning their stories. Exchanging wisdom, helping people get to the next step or level in their walk, watching God do amazing things in their lives. It's not always easy, it's not always clean and tidy, it doesn't always leave you with more energy than when you started. Sometimes it leaves you in tears, exhausted, confused, or hurt. But it's worth it. God designed us to get involved in people's lives, to give a leg up, to help wherever and whenever we can. As I saw Greg ask that gentleman a host of questions, sometimes I wondered 'how can you be so nosy?' But the question should have been, 'how can I care too?'.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Acts 2
I've heard my Pastor, an elder, and our Associate Pastor talk about what they've read in Acts Chapter 2. So, being one who is easily influenced by what others are reading, that's what I chose to read this morning. The verses that struck me were verses 46-47. "They worshipped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord's Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity all the while praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people. And each day the Lord added to their fellowship those who were being saved."
As I read that, my eyes kept going back to "They worshipped together at the Temple each day". I've been thinking for the last 3 months about how great it would be to have a revival at our church for a week or two each summer. Nights of worship, prayer, and a message. The worship and prayer would be the majority of the evening and there would be an opportunity to accept Christ each night. Different Pastors from our community would take turns speaking. How rich would that be?
We got a taste of it with the Harvest Prayer & Worship night a few weeks ago. It was too short. I wanted it to go on for much longer.
This is a time to humble ourselves before God, faithfully submitting our hearts to his desires. Casting away all our fears, insecurities, and selfishness. Stripping away the things that hinder us from wholehearted worship of the God that saved us from an eternal hell. We don't even have to wait for a church sponsored evening of prayer and worship. We can do it in our small groups, with our families, even alone. How will you worship your God today?
As I read that, my eyes kept going back to "They worshipped together at the Temple each day". I've been thinking for the last 3 months about how great it would be to have a revival at our church for a week or two each summer. Nights of worship, prayer, and a message. The worship and prayer would be the majority of the evening and there would be an opportunity to accept Christ each night. Different Pastors from our community would take turns speaking. How rich would that be?
We got a taste of it with the Harvest Prayer & Worship night a few weeks ago. It was too short. I wanted it to go on for much longer.
This is a time to humble ourselves before God, faithfully submitting our hearts to his desires. Casting away all our fears, insecurities, and selfishness. Stripping away the things that hinder us from wholehearted worship of the God that saved us from an eternal hell. We don't even have to wait for a church sponsored evening of prayer and worship. We can do it in our small groups, with our families, even alone. How will you worship your God today?
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Reading Update
I started a new book this week. It's called In a Pit With a Lion on a Snowy Day. Don't you just love that title? I'm about 60+ pages into it and so far it's about courage, facing fears, and praying for the right things. What I liked about today's reading is how the author talked about our prayers so often ask for protection or for pain to be taken away. If our lives had no pain and no crisis, how could we grow? It's through those trying times that we learn to lean on God the most and learn to trust him, no matter what life throws our way. We should be praying that God would bring us the opportunities that we need in order to grow. Is that brave or what? Kind of like, Bring the Rain, huh? We have to change our mindset, or in corporate terms, have a paradigm shift. That's what we should be praying for each day.
I've also been reading Billy Graham's book. He has graduated from college, gotten married, had his first child, and is quickly building Youth for Christ in Europe. Talk about a boundless enthusiasm. This guy never ran out of energy. Maybe when he had the Mumps for two months. It's a fascinating book of a man with incredible faith.
So, what are you reading? Feel free to leave a comment. I usually read books that people suggest to me. Your brain is a muscle, exercise it! Also, did you know that whenever you learn something new, you put another wrinkle in your brain? I want a very wrinkled brain when I die. How about you?
I've also been reading Billy Graham's book. He has graduated from college, gotten married, had his first child, and is quickly building Youth for Christ in Europe. Talk about a boundless enthusiasm. This guy never ran out of energy. Maybe when he had the Mumps for two months. It's a fascinating book of a man with incredible faith.
So, what are you reading? Feel free to leave a comment. I usually read books that people suggest to me. Your brain is a muscle, exercise it! Also, did you know that whenever you learn something new, you put another wrinkle in your brain? I want a very wrinkled brain when I die. How about you?
Monday, August 20, 2007
School Bells Ring
It was inevitable. I've watched friends and co-workers get their kids ready to start another year of school, and today, the day has hit our family. My sophomore has been in a state of apprehension for several weeks, but I'm happy to say this morning she woke up with a great attitude and an air of self-confidence. Yeah!
This doesn't just affect her, my schedule moves up 30-45 minutes as well. This morning was the first morning I've run in the dark since last winter. It was a little eery, but it was quiet and cool. The sun started to come up just as we finished our last lap.
It is a little empty this morning, though, because for the first time in 11 years, I only have one child getting ready for school. Mark starts Stanislaus the first week of September. He's sleeping now, giving Kristen full freedom in the bathroom and kitchen to get ready. It makes for a quiet morning. But this will change in a few weeks, though he goes a little later in the morning.
I will surely be praying for my little one throughout the day. I wonder how my life would have been different if I had praying parents when I went to school and faced all they challenges of growing up. I'm glad my kids are covered. I trust you are praying for your kids daily too.
This doesn't just affect her, my schedule moves up 30-45 minutes as well. This morning was the first morning I've run in the dark since last winter. It was a little eery, but it was quiet and cool. The sun started to come up just as we finished our last lap.
It is a little empty this morning, though, because for the first time in 11 years, I only have one child getting ready for school. Mark starts Stanislaus the first week of September. He's sleeping now, giving Kristen full freedom in the bathroom and kitchen to get ready. It makes for a quiet morning. But this will change in a few weeks, though he goes a little later in the morning.
I will surely be praying for my little one throughout the day. I wonder how my life would have been different if I had praying parents when I went to school and faced all they challenges of growing up. I'm glad my kids are covered. I trust you are praying for your kids daily too.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
And the Saga Continues . . .
I had my post MRI appointment yesterday. Other than tendonitis, it might be something called frozen shoulder phenomenon. It's a phenomenon because the medical community doesn't fully understand it. It's when the fibers in the membrane surrounding the joint freeze up, tighten up and pull back, scarring. With physical therapy, this phenomenon goes away in most cases in a year. All of a sudden, you have full range of motion again. With either diagnosis, I will be having physical therapy to stretch my shoulder. I'm being referred to an orthopedic shoulder specialist to determine which diagnosis is true, so the exercises can be customized to my problem. If it is frozen shoulder and it doesn't unfreeze in a year, they will put me under general anesthesia and force my shoulder to have mobility. I'll keep you posted!
A few anniversaries I'd like to share with you. On August 16th, (Thursday) I enjoyed my 20th anniversary of attending New Life Christian Center. Yesterday, (Friday) Greg and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary of when we became engaged. We had dinner at Black Angus after my doctor's appointment, went to the mall and shopped for a nice purity ring for our daughter, grabbed a Slurpee at 7-11 and went to Donolly park where we sat at a picnic table, enjoyed the stars and the lake, and pretty much talked about ministry for almost 2 hours. We got home around 10:30, tired, full, and content.
Blessings to all.
A few anniversaries I'd like to share with you. On August 16th, (Thursday) I enjoyed my 20th anniversary of attending New Life Christian Center. Yesterday, (Friday) Greg and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary of when we became engaged. We had dinner at Black Angus after my doctor's appointment, went to the mall and shopped for a nice purity ring for our daughter, grabbed a Slurpee at 7-11 and went to Donolly park where we sat at a picnic table, enjoyed the stars and the lake, and pretty much talked about ministry for almost 2 hours. We got home around 10:30, tired, full, and content.
Blessings to all.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Discovering the Will of God Part II
As I continue watching the DVD by Andy Stanley, I'm intrigued at the insight that he is pouring out. Last night he talked about seeking wise counsel. Sometimes we have tunnel vision regarding how God will and should speak to us. We assume the position that he speaks primarily to our hearts or through a verse in the Bible. We're often discouraged when this doesn't happen, thinking that we haven't 'caught' it.
Andy said that the primary way that God speaks to him is through other people in the body of Christ that he has known to be wise and mature, in a place in their life where he wants to be. He has a small group and they are made up of parents of young children. Their studies primarily consist of raising Godly children and being good parents. At the end of their studies they invite a couple whose children are grown, who have done a great job with their kids. Straight A students who love and serve God and who are in college leading pure lives. They spend the next 2 hours just asking questions of this couple, seeking their wisdom.
He made the point that you don't have to call someone up you want advise from and say, "Now, I'm expecting God to speak through you to me on this matter, so I want you to know I'll be listening intently to what you have to say." It's rather in the casual conversations with wise and spiritually mature people that they just know when God has spoken to them.
I told Greg about this session when I came home last night. He confirmed that I experienced that myself when we were starting to see each other. (Today is our 3rd anniversary of our engagement!) I wasn't sure he was the one God had chosen for me and I had a casual conversation with his roommate on the phone while Greg was in Belize on a missions trip. I had alot of assets and Greg had practically none. I saw this as a sign that we didn't have the same financial planning goals. His roommate told me that God does that. He takes two individuals and brings them together to make one whole person. Where one lacks, they other provides, and vice versa. The light bulb went off. Together we won't be lacking anything. He brings things I didn't have, and I brought things he didn't have. We're both so much richer because of it. I turned a corner in our relationship that night and we were off and running, and we've been joyfully running ever since.
When have you had a conversation with someone and they answer you've been seeking God for showed up in their words? It's a very cool thing when it happens. Broaden your expectations of how God speaks to you. He is not limited to speaking to your heart or through the Bible. He speaks through people, circumstances, and all kinds of ways I'm sure I'm not even aware of. Look for God in the small things and the big things. He's everywhere!
Andy said that the primary way that God speaks to him is through other people in the body of Christ that he has known to be wise and mature, in a place in their life where he wants to be. He has a small group and they are made up of parents of young children. Their studies primarily consist of raising Godly children and being good parents. At the end of their studies they invite a couple whose children are grown, who have done a great job with their kids. Straight A students who love and serve God and who are in college leading pure lives. They spend the next 2 hours just asking questions of this couple, seeking their wisdom.
He made the point that you don't have to call someone up you want advise from and say, "Now, I'm expecting God to speak through you to me on this matter, so I want you to know I'll be listening intently to what you have to say." It's rather in the casual conversations with wise and spiritually mature people that they just know when God has spoken to them.
I told Greg about this session when I came home last night. He confirmed that I experienced that myself when we were starting to see each other. (Today is our 3rd anniversary of our engagement!) I wasn't sure he was the one God had chosen for me and I had a casual conversation with his roommate on the phone while Greg was in Belize on a missions trip. I had alot of assets and Greg had practically none. I saw this as a sign that we didn't have the same financial planning goals. His roommate told me that God does that. He takes two individuals and brings them together to make one whole person. Where one lacks, they other provides, and vice versa. The light bulb went off. Together we won't be lacking anything. He brings things I didn't have, and I brought things he didn't have. We're both so much richer because of it. I turned a corner in our relationship that night and we were off and running, and we've been joyfully running ever since.
When have you had a conversation with someone and they answer you've been seeking God for showed up in their words? It's a very cool thing when it happens. Broaden your expectations of how God speaks to you. He is not limited to speaking to your heart or through the Bible. He speaks through people, circumstances, and all kinds of ways I'm sure I'm not even aware of. Look for God in the small things and the big things. He's everywhere!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Push, Pull, or Run Like the Wind
I try to run about 4-5 mornings a week. I don't know if it is because I like to check it off my list, I'm trying to avoid the guilt that comes from not running, or I like to think I'm contributing to my health and longevity. Maybe I just like the feel of the cool, crisp morning and the wind against my face. It wakes me up and gives me energy for the day, and usually into the evening.
The last two weeks, I haven't run that much. I almost always take Sascha, my 12 year old German shepherd. As soon as we hit the sidewalk, she takes off. I think she feels more like a pup when she's running. At this point, she's pulling me. We have a pretty big block, with 3 courts on the other side, and she runs me all the way around. By then, I like to stop and walk a little. She'll start to jog a little but much slower. It's at this point I start to pull her. She seems to need the encouragement at this point.
This morning as I got out of bed, Greg said, "Run like the wind, baby." I thought about this as I was running. It encouraged me to keep running and I ran twice as far as usual.
Sometimes our relationship with God is similar. Sometimes he pushes us a little, giving us a heart passion in an area he's designed us for. The passion serves as a motivation to head in a certain direction with our lives, which includes our time, talent, and treasure. Sometimes he pulls us, or gives us someone in our life to pull us into a place of growth where we might not venture ourselves. Sometimes, God doesn't seem to have a preference regarding an area, not giving us a specific answer to prayer on which way to go, giving us the freedom to run like the wind.
In what areas is God pushing you? What are you passionate about? What do you keep thinking about? What are you imagining you can do to make a difference in someones life?
In what areas is he pulling you? Are you dragging your feet or surrendering? A word of advice, it's always better to surrender. It gets so much easier after that point.
Where are you running like the wind? I don't mean running from something, I mean running to or with something. Think about these things today.
The last two weeks, I haven't run that much. I almost always take Sascha, my 12 year old German shepherd. As soon as we hit the sidewalk, she takes off. I think she feels more like a pup when she's running. At this point, she's pulling me. We have a pretty big block, with 3 courts on the other side, and she runs me all the way around. By then, I like to stop and walk a little. She'll start to jog a little but much slower. It's at this point I start to pull her. She seems to need the encouragement at this point.
This morning as I got out of bed, Greg said, "Run like the wind, baby." I thought about this as I was running. It encouraged me to keep running and I ran twice as far as usual.
Sometimes our relationship with God is similar. Sometimes he pushes us a little, giving us a heart passion in an area he's designed us for. The passion serves as a motivation to head in a certain direction with our lives, which includes our time, talent, and treasure. Sometimes he pulls us, or gives us someone in our life to pull us into a place of growth where we might not venture ourselves. Sometimes, God doesn't seem to have a preference regarding an area, not giving us a specific answer to prayer on which way to go, giving us the freedom to run like the wind.
In what areas is God pushing you? What are you passionate about? What do you keep thinking about? What are you imagining you can do to make a difference in someones life?
In what areas is he pulling you? Are you dragging your feet or surrendering? A word of advice, it's always better to surrender. It gets so much easier after that point.
Where are you running like the wind? I don't mean running from something, I mean running to or with something. Think about these things today.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Praise and Glory be to God!
Yahooooo!!!!!! Thank you to my prayer partners who have prayed about my shoulder. The Dr. emailed me tonight and told me he received my MRI results, which showed no rotator cuff tear, and a normal shoulder except for impingement (tendonitis). I'm still seeing him Friday to discuss our options for treatment, but I'm pretty sure it means I don't need surgery. Yeahh!!!!
What a relief. As I walked our mile around our neighborhood with Greg tonight, fighting back the over expression of sheer joy of having only tendonitis, I considered the situation. As I wrote in my previous post, any experience is worth it as long as you learn from it. I told Greg, "You know, it's just like God in how he deals with me. He knows I have a fear or problem in a certain area. He allows that kind of situation in my life. I stress, I fear, I dread. Then I realize I really have no option as a child of God, but to trust in my heavenly Father who loves me, and surrender to whatever he wants for me. Once I do that, the situation dissipates, never as bad as I had imagined it would be."
He wants our surrender and our trust. I've learned this lesson several times before, and I think I'm getting quicker to realize I need to surrender, at least I hope I am. God is continually helping us weed out the weaknesses in our life by allowing us to face those situations. It might be a health crisis, a confrontation issue, or something else. I just pray I'll be better at evaluating myself and fixing my fears and attitudes before he brings something my way to deal with.
I feel like the object of his mercy and grace. The recipient of his generosity. Cradled in his arms and gently rocked. There is no more comforting place to be. However, being in my husband's arms is a very close second.
What a relief. As I walked our mile around our neighborhood with Greg tonight, fighting back the over expression of sheer joy of having only tendonitis, I considered the situation. As I wrote in my previous post, any experience is worth it as long as you learn from it. I told Greg, "You know, it's just like God in how he deals with me. He knows I have a fear or problem in a certain area. He allows that kind of situation in my life. I stress, I fear, I dread. Then I realize I really have no option as a child of God, but to trust in my heavenly Father who loves me, and surrender to whatever he wants for me. Once I do that, the situation dissipates, never as bad as I had imagined it would be."
He wants our surrender and our trust. I've learned this lesson several times before, and I think I'm getting quicker to realize I need to surrender, at least I hope I am. God is continually helping us weed out the weaknesses in our life by allowing us to face those situations. It might be a health crisis, a confrontation issue, or something else. I just pray I'll be better at evaluating myself and fixing my fears and attitudes before he brings something my way to deal with.
I feel like the object of his mercy and grace. The recipient of his generosity. Cradled in his arms and gently rocked. There is no more comforting place to be. However, being in my husband's arms is a very close second.
Summer Reading Part III
I've been spending my spare reading time in Just As I Am by Billy Graham. I'm about 50 pages into this 760 page book. My general impression so far is this is a very humble, transparent man. He has exposed mistakes he's made, such as a meeting with Harry Truman. A White House staff memorandum in late 1951 stated "At Key West the President said very decisively that he did not wish to endorse Billy Graham's Washington revival meeting and particularly he said he did not want to receive him at the White House. You remember what a show of himself Billy Graham made the last time he was here. The President does not want it repeated." Yikes! That could nose dive anyone's career, but God knew his heart and his potential and yet blessed him. He certainly learned from his mistake and didn't repeat it when presented with a similar circumstance. One of my mottos is 'Every experience is worth it as long as you learn from it.'
After this story in the introduction, the book begins with his humble beginnings as a farm boy outside Charlotte, N.C. It talks about how his father came to Christ, and how Billy went from a boy living his parent's faith, to making the decision for himself. These two stories have been my favorites. To me, it is such an amazing glimpse of God working, when I hear someone's testimony. It's exciting and faith stirring.
I had the honor of being a follow-up worker at last year's Harvest Crusade. I met with a group of 5 women, 4 of which were rededications. Just being down front in that crowd of people weeping from experiencing the Holy Spirit moved me to tears. It was an experience I'll never forget. I wish that everyone would be willing to serve in that capacity. The blessing that comes from being there is overwhelming.
If you're not already signed up to be a follow-up worker or usher or volunteer in some capacity, please plan to attend and bring your unsaved friends and relatives. You can't miss this. This event will be a milestone in your spiritual walk.
After this story in the introduction, the book begins with his humble beginnings as a farm boy outside Charlotte, N.C. It talks about how his father came to Christ, and how Billy went from a boy living his parent's faith, to making the decision for himself. These two stories have been my favorites. To me, it is such an amazing glimpse of God working, when I hear someone's testimony. It's exciting and faith stirring.
I had the honor of being a follow-up worker at last year's Harvest Crusade. I met with a group of 5 women, 4 of which were rededications. Just being down front in that crowd of people weeping from experiencing the Holy Spirit moved me to tears. It was an experience I'll never forget. I wish that everyone would be willing to serve in that capacity. The blessing that comes from being there is overwhelming.
If you're not already signed up to be a follow-up worker or usher or volunteer in some capacity, please plan to attend and bring your unsaved friends and relatives. You can't miss this. This event will be a milestone in your spiritual walk.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Summer Reading Part II
Here's what struck me in the Spiritual Leadership book, continued from yesterday:
Domestic: A well-ordered home where mutual respect and supportive harmony are the keynotes. To reach this goal, a spouse must fully share the leader's spiritual aspirations and be willing to join in the necessary sacrifices. Many a gifted leader has been lost to high office and spiritual effectiveness because of an uncooperative spouse. Paul implies that a person's ability to lead at home is a strong indicator of his readiness to lead in ministry.
Maturity: Spiritual maturity is indispensable to good leadership. A novice or new convert should not be pushed into leadership. A plant needs time to take root and come to maturity, and the process cannot be hurried. They must first be tested. A promising convert should be given a widening opportunity to serve at humbler and less prominent tasks that will develop both natural and spiritual gifts. He should not be advanced too fast, lest he become puffed up. Neither should he be repressed, lest he become discouraged. Maturity is shown in a magnanimous spirit and broad vision. He must be prudently self-controlled, sober, frugal, enduring in toil, intelligent, without love of money, neither you nor old, if possible the father of a family, able to speak competently, and of good reputation.
I agree with these definitions. Above, it warns us not to advance someone too quickly or they can become puffed up, or too slowly or he will become discouraged. I've seen the opposite of both of those happen as well. I have advanced a leader too quickly and they became discouraged because they were overwhelmed. I've seen someone promoted prematurely and they became puffed up. If you're a leader, you undoubtedly should be thinking of how you can replace yourself. It's important to raise up leaders beneath you who can carry on the ministry should God call you elsewhere. In the corporate world, we called this Succession Planning. But there is also a very fine line in discerning who is ready for leadership and/or advancement. As a wise man seeks the council of others, a leader should be communicating with the leadership above them to check their plans for giving people additional ministry responsibility. Almost everyone is should be willing to take some step in ministry. As a leader, it's important to keep in mind that we don't use people to get ministry done, but we use ministry to get people done.
Domestic: A well-ordered home where mutual respect and supportive harmony are the keynotes. To reach this goal, a spouse must fully share the leader's spiritual aspirations and be willing to join in the necessary sacrifices. Many a gifted leader has been lost to high office and spiritual effectiveness because of an uncooperative spouse. Paul implies that a person's ability to lead at home is a strong indicator of his readiness to lead in ministry.
Maturity: Spiritual maturity is indispensable to good leadership. A novice or new convert should not be pushed into leadership. A plant needs time to take root and come to maturity, and the process cannot be hurried. They must first be tested. A promising convert should be given a widening opportunity to serve at humbler and less prominent tasks that will develop both natural and spiritual gifts. He should not be advanced too fast, lest he become puffed up. Neither should he be repressed, lest he become discouraged. Maturity is shown in a magnanimous spirit and broad vision. He must be prudently self-controlled, sober, frugal, enduring in toil, intelligent, without love of money, neither you nor old, if possible the father of a family, able to speak competently, and of good reputation.
I agree with these definitions. Above, it warns us not to advance someone too quickly or they can become puffed up, or too slowly or he will become discouraged. I've seen the opposite of both of those happen as well. I have advanced a leader too quickly and they became discouraged because they were overwhelmed. I've seen someone promoted prematurely and they became puffed up. If you're a leader, you undoubtedly should be thinking of how you can replace yourself. It's important to raise up leaders beneath you who can carry on the ministry should God call you elsewhere. In the corporate world, we called this Succession Planning. But there is also a very fine line in discerning who is ready for leadership and/or advancement. As a wise man seeks the council of others, a leader should be communicating with the leadership above them to check their plans for giving people additional ministry responsibility. Almost everyone is should be willing to take some step in ministry. As a leader, it's important to keep in mind that we don't use people to get ministry done, but we use ministry to get people done.
Summer Reading Part I
I've just bought a book that will kind of take my mind on a rabbit trail. It's Billy Graham's bibliography, Just As I Am. It's the 10th anniversary edition, which is his original book on his life plus the last 10 years, including his sermon given on 9/14/01 on the National Day of Prayer and Remembrance. I can't wait to hear the story of this incredible evangelist. There are many pictures including one from a crusade in 1962 at Soldier Field in Chicago. There were 116,000 people there in 100-degree heat. Incredible!!
I've picked up my Spiritual Leadership book again and am highlighting several things. The most recent chapter was on insights on leadership from Paul. Paul is probably my favorite person in the Bible because of what he went through and his attitude and perseverance through it all.
This chapter talks about the social, moral, mental, personality, domestic and maturity qualifications for a spiritual leader. Here's what 'struck' me in the first few sections:
Social: The leader is to be above reproach, enjoy a good reputation and live a holy and joyful life.
Moral: The spiritual leader must exercise sexual faithfulness, be temperate, not addicted to alcohol.
Mental: A leader must be prudent, a person with sound judgment. The well-balanced state of mind resulting from habitual self-restraint. They must be respectable and have a well-ordered life. They must be ready and able to teach. They must know how to read hearts and apply truth to the needs of the people.
Personality: Must be genial and gentle, not a lover of controversy. R.C. Trench writes that the leader should be one who corrects and "redresses the injustices of justice." The leader must be actively considerate, not merely passive and certainly not withdrawn but irenic in disposition, always seeking a peaceful solution, and able to diffuse an explosive situation. Covetousness and its twin, the love of money, disqualify a person for leadership. Financial reward cannot enter a leader's mind in the exercise of ministry. The leader must be as willing to accept an appointment with a lower remuneration as one with a higher.
I've picked up my Spiritual Leadership book again and am highlighting several things. The most recent chapter was on insights on leadership from Paul. Paul is probably my favorite person in the Bible because of what he went through and his attitude and perseverance through it all.
This chapter talks about the social, moral, mental, personality, domestic and maturity qualifications for a spiritual leader. Here's what 'struck' me in the first few sections:
Social: The leader is to be above reproach, enjoy a good reputation and live a holy and joyful life.
Moral: The spiritual leader must exercise sexual faithfulness, be temperate, not addicted to alcohol.
Mental: A leader must be prudent, a person with sound judgment. The well-balanced state of mind resulting from habitual self-restraint. They must be respectable and have a well-ordered life. They must be ready and able to teach. They must know how to read hearts and apply truth to the needs of the people.
Personality: Must be genial and gentle, not a lover of controversy. R.C. Trench writes that the leader should be one who corrects and "redresses the injustices of justice." The leader must be actively considerate, not merely passive and certainly not withdrawn but irenic in disposition, always seeking a peaceful solution, and able to diffuse an explosive situation. Covetousness and its twin, the love of money, disqualify a person for leadership. Financial reward cannot enter a leader's mind in the exercise of ministry. The leader must be as willing to accept an appointment with a lower remuneration as one with a higher.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
They eye appointment went well. I got new contacts to try for a week. The jury is still out whether I like them or not. The optometrist thought I did switch the lenses so today I'll see if my desk is flat.
I survived the MRI. It was so much better than the one I had five years ago. It was an open MRI and they gave me headphones with music. It was 30 minutes along and I was glad I made it all the way through. I'll let you know what the Doctor says when he sees them. I can't make heads or tails of the films.
I'm looking forward to today. I've re-done my office and bought a few plants and pots last night to help soften the hard edges in the room. I should be able to finish the last of the filing today. I'm so excited! I love being organized.
Time to spend time with my King before finishing getting ready for work.
I survived the MRI. It was so much better than the one I had five years ago. It was an open MRI and they gave me headphones with music. It was 30 minutes along and I was glad I made it all the way through. I'll let you know what the Doctor says when he sees them. I can't make heads or tails of the films.
I'm looking forward to today. I've re-done my office and bought a few plants and pots last night to help soften the hard edges in the room. I should be able to finish the last of the filing today. I'm so excited! I love being organized.
Time to spend time with my King before finishing getting ready for work.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Skewed Lenses
I had the strangest day yesterday. I had switched desks at work and as I sat there trying to work, it literally felt as if they desk was leaning towards me. I had three people sit in my desk to verify I wasn't losing my mind. They came up with different reasons. "The edge of your desk is now rounded, giving you an optical illusion." "Your chair is leaning." "There's more space between your desk and the wall now." I even had the custodian bring in a level, but the desk appeared to be level. I looked at my monitor. It was slanting to the left. I went in the foyer and it and a door was slanting to the left. I walked down the hallway and the edge of the tile was slanting to the left. It's enough to drive you batty!
I came to the conclusion that I must have switched my contacts inadvertently, hopefully, I'll know later today when I switch them back. I go to the optometrist this morning to have my prescription and astigmatism checked. As I thought about this, it reminded me of a book I read and took our small group through last year. It's called Love & Respect.
One of the things Dr. Emerson Eggerichs talks about in his book is pink and blue lenses. Women look through pink lenses and men through blue lenses. These act as filters for how we receive what is communicated to us. For example, I tell my son that the garbage is full. I think I'm asking him to take it out, but he receives it as a comment on the state of the garbage can, not as a request. We're subtle in our communication, men are more obvious in what they need to hear.
The book also talks about the Crazy Cycle. Women need to feel loved. Men need to feel they are respected. When a woman doesn't receive love, she reacts without respect for her husband, and if he doesn't receive respect, he reacts without love for her. It's a vicious cycle. A strong marriage is one where both give what the other needs, whether they feel like it or not. Examples of making a woman feel loved are what she responds to based on her love language. It might be kisses and touch, receiving gifts, spending time together, verbal encouragement, or doing nice things for her. The book uses the acronym COUPLE (Closeness, Openness, Understanding, Peacemaking, Loyalty and Esteem). Men feel respected when they are told how much they are appreciated and respected, when we submit to their authority without arguing about it, and helping our kids do the same. The book uses the acronym CHAIRS (Conquest, Hierarchy, Authority, Insight, Relationship, and Sexuality).
It's a good book for anyone who feels like their marriage could use a tune-up. It provides insight into how men and women relate to each other.
I came to the conclusion that I must have switched my contacts inadvertently, hopefully, I'll know later today when I switch them back. I go to the optometrist this morning to have my prescription and astigmatism checked. As I thought about this, it reminded me of a book I read and took our small group through last year. It's called Love & Respect.
One of the things Dr. Emerson Eggerichs talks about in his book is pink and blue lenses. Women look through pink lenses and men through blue lenses. These act as filters for how we receive what is communicated to us. For example, I tell my son that the garbage is full. I think I'm asking him to take it out, but he receives it as a comment on the state of the garbage can, not as a request. We're subtle in our communication, men are more obvious in what they need to hear.
The book also talks about the Crazy Cycle. Women need to feel loved. Men need to feel they are respected. When a woman doesn't receive love, she reacts without respect for her husband, and if he doesn't receive respect, he reacts without love for her. It's a vicious cycle. A strong marriage is one where both give what the other needs, whether they feel like it or not. Examples of making a woman feel loved are what she responds to based on her love language. It might be kisses and touch, receiving gifts, spending time together, verbal encouragement, or doing nice things for her. The book uses the acronym COUPLE (Closeness, Openness, Understanding, Peacemaking, Loyalty and Esteem). Men feel respected when they are told how much they are appreciated and respected, when we submit to their authority without arguing about it, and helping our kids do the same. The book uses the acronym CHAIRS (Conquest, Hierarchy, Authority, Insight, Relationship, and Sexuality).
It's a good book for anyone who feels like their marriage could use a tune-up. It provides insight into how men and women relate to each other.
Monday, August 6, 2007
A Kiss From God
My daughter had a special moment at SWC. I called it a kiss from God. It was one of those things that were so special to her heart, that only God could have arranged it. She's a huge BarlowGirl fan. BarlowGirl is a Christian rock band of 3 sisters, all in their 20's. Lauren plays drums, Rebecca plays electric guitar, and Alyssa plays keyboard and bass. They promote purity, having never had a boyfriend, and choosing not to date, but to wait. They're beautiful girls. Their parents have done a fabulous job raising them and providing them with opportunities to live out the call God has on their lives. This is a great band for daughters to look up to as role models.
Anyway, the kiss. We had gotten off the bus and arrived at the venue. We were walking quickly across the dirt to get to the BarlowGirl Q&A session. There are always golf carts transporting those with physical limitations around the area, so we didn't really pay much attention when another whizzed by us. Kristen looked up first and it was the 3 Barlow girls being driven to the Q&A session! Right by us! Kristen said, "That's them!!!!" I looked up and waved at them and Alyssa waved back. They crossed our path for a moment and it totally made my daughter's trip.
I've included some pictures of them singing. We were in the area in front of the stage but weren't really close enough to get good shots of them, except for on the jumbotrons.
Anyway, the kiss. We had gotten off the bus and arrived at the venue. We were walking quickly across the dirt to get to the BarlowGirl Q&A session. There are always golf carts transporting those with physical limitations around the area, so we didn't really pay much attention when another whizzed by us. Kristen looked up first and it was the 3 Barlow girls being driven to the Q&A session! Right by us! Kristen said, "That's them!!!!" I looked up and waved at them and Alyssa waved back. They crossed our path for a moment and it totally made my daughter's trip.
I've included some pictures of them singing. We were in the area in front of the stage but weren't really close enough to get good shots of them, except for on the jumbotrons.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
A God Moment at SWC
Thursday night the crowed was in full force anticipating the Newsboys' performance. It was dark and cool with a slight breeze as the three jumbotrons lit up the audience. The first two songs were lively and well known. The audience continued to stand as they sang Blessed Be Your Name (one of my favorites). During that song I felt the need to completely surrender my shoulder situation to God. The tears began to flow as I told God that I would walk down any road he wanted me to, even if it was surgery, and do it with courage because I trust him. I asked him to take my fear and then I let go. The thought of death during surgery ran across my mind and I surrendered to that as well, if that was what God wanted. His peace covered me.
As the song faded, the lead singer began to speak with authority. He recited two passages from Isaiah.
Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
and his understanding no one can fathom.
He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.
Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;
but those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.
So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
All who rage against you
will surely be ashamed and disgraced;
those who oppose you
will be as nothing and perish.
Though you search for your enemies,
you will not find them.
Those who wage war against you
will be as nothing at all.
For I am the Lord, your God,
who takes hold of your right hand
and says to you, Do not fear;
I will help you.
I felt as if God was speaking those very words to me, cutting to me heart with his sword, and I drank in every word. It was powerful. My whole family felt his presence during that time. God had a message for us last night and we all shed tears as we experienced our Lord's encouragement pertaining to our own situations.
Fill your self with God's Holy word and expose yourself to as many opportunities to experience him as possible. This means going to church and attending classes like Harvest Crusade Impact and Bible studies. It means meeting with a disciple maker or being one. It means going to the Harvest Crusade, volunteering at church, the Harvest Crusade, or in your community. It means talking to your friends and family about spiritual things. It means going to Spirit West Coast or the Modesto Nuts Faith Night August 28th. It means reading blogs and listening to podcasts and Christian radio. I'm not saying you have to do ALL these things, but it is important to be more than a Sunday morning Christian. The more you fill your heart with God, the less room there will be for the enemy's seeds and worldly desires.
As the song faded, the lead singer began to speak with authority. He recited two passages from Isaiah.
Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
and his understanding no one can fathom.
He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.
Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;
but those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.
So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
All who rage against you
will surely be ashamed and disgraced;
those who oppose you
will be as nothing and perish.
Though you search for your enemies,
you will not find them.
Those who wage war against you
will be as nothing at all.
For I am the Lord, your God,
who takes hold of your right hand
and says to you, Do not fear;
I will help you.
I felt as if God was speaking those very words to me, cutting to me heart with his sword, and I drank in every word. It was powerful. My whole family felt his presence during that time. God had a message for us last night and we all shed tears as we experienced our Lord's encouragement pertaining to our own situations.
Fill your self with God's Holy word and expose yourself to as many opportunities to experience him as possible. This means going to church and attending classes like Harvest Crusade Impact and Bible studies. It means meeting with a disciple maker or being one. It means going to the Harvest Crusade, volunteering at church, the Harvest Crusade, or in your community. It means talking to your friends and family about spiritual things. It means going to Spirit West Coast or the Modesto Nuts Faith Night August 28th. It means reading blogs and listening to podcasts and Christian radio. I'm not saying you have to do ALL these things, but it is important to be more than a Sunday morning Christian. The more you fill your heart with God, the less room there will be for the enemy's seeds and worldly desires.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
We'll be on the road in about 8 hours. We'll be trekking to Laguna Seca in Monterey for Spirit West Coast again this year. We can't wait. We had such a great time last year. Tent camping, concerts, shopping, relaxing, meeting new people, watching people, it's wonderful.
This year we get to see almost all our favorite artists. Tomorrow we get to see David Crowder Band, Hawk Nelson, Newsboys and Miles McPherson. Friday, it's Josh McDowell, Third Day, and BarlowGirl. Saturday, Glen Berteau from Calvary Temple in Modesto will be speaking, and Todd Agnew. There are many, many other bands, comedians, and speakers, too many to list. You can go to the Spirit West Coast website and see photos from last year.
If you've never been, it's a great place to take the family. They have VeggieLand, skateboard ramps, basketball, youth leader seminars, worship leader seminars, food, and more. There are baptisms and opportunities to accept Christ. It's so cool. Another added benefit, there's practically no cigarette smoke! No one is intoxicated. It's totally family friendly. You can go for a day or more. It's over Sunday morning after service. It's a blast. Hope to see you there!
This year we get to see almost all our favorite artists. Tomorrow we get to see David Crowder Band, Hawk Nelson, Newsboys and Miles McPherson. Friday, it's Josh McDowell, Third Day, and BarlowGirl. Saturday, Glen Berteau from Calvary Temple in Modesto will be speaking, and Todd Agnew. There are many, many other bands, comedians, and speakers, too many to list. You can go to the Spirit West Coast website and see photos from last year.
If you've never been, it's a great place to take the family. They have VeggieLand, skateboard ramps, basketball, youth leader seminars, worship leader seminars, food, and more. There are baptisms and opportunities to accept Christ. It's so cool. Another added benefit, there's practically no cigarette smoke! No one is intoxicated. It's totally family friendly. You can go for a day or more. It's over Sunday morning after service. It's a blast. Hope to see you there!
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