Friday, February 1, 2008

Alice in Wonderland

I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date!

Sorry I'm late blogging today. I'm our church's Business Administrator, and am first on the list with our alarm company. We've been having a few days of calls due to rain soaking our underground wires and setting off the alarm system. Last night we got calls at 9pm, 10pm, 11pm, 2am, 5am, 8am, 8:30am and 9:30am. Greg went out at 9 and 2. All false alarms, but he did have an interesting sighting. An oppossum. He said it was 4 times the size of our cat, which would make it 40lbs. We think it was trying to get into the Children's building. Anyway, we slept in.

Speaking of Alice in Wonderland, I had an epiphany yesterday. (My spell check doesn't seem to be working so please forgive my misspellings). It seems for the last 2-3 months I've been allowing someone else to dictate who I am. I've felt oppressed and cut off at the knees. I prayed Wednesday night that I would find a way out of this dark hole, see things from 40,000 feet again (seeing the big picture), and keep my eyes focused on God and not on man. I'm usually pretty good at that, but I think I just lost my way recently. God has shown me the big picture, but it seems I've been looking more at the here and now instead of the soon to be.

I have a subscription to Jon Walker's Purpose Driven Life Devotion, which comes in my email. I usually just delete it as I don't think I have time to read it. I read it a few weeks ago and it spoke to me and a friend. Yesterday I read it and it shot me right between the eyes. (You can see it for 1/31/08 as well as the archives here). So, apparently, I have an issue with my identity in Christ at this time. I'll be studying this topic as soon as my book arrives. It's Discoverying Your Identity in Christ by Charles Stanley. I ordered another book on Spiritual Warfare by Charles Stanley as well called Landmines in the Path of the Believer: Avoiding the Hidden Dangers. I've read through a couple of the excerpts from his books and it looks like he's a great writer. I've never read his books, but I've read his son Andy's and he's great as well. I would recommend Next Generation Leader.

Okay, enough plugs for books. Until tomorrow, keep reading, keep growing, keep focused on God.

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