Saturday, October 4, 2008

Prayer Walk

We had quite the morning this morning. We had 6 people join us, two that were new to our prayer walks. We got a bit of a late start, as we enjoyed a time of showing off our new kitchen. It looked like the weather was clearing as we left. As we headed out onto the streets of the westside, we were approached by a man on a bicycle. He showed us a missing child bulletin. A little boy didn't come home from school yesterday who lived in the neighborhood, a neighbor of this man. We promised to keep our eyes open and to pray for his safe return. The police were on every street, knocking on every door, calling every house.

We had decided to meet at the elementary school at the half-way point in our walk. As we approached it, the alarm was going off, a fire truck was parked there along with other cars and another came as we headed into the middle of the school grounds to pray. We split into two groups and prayed for the westside and for the boy's safe return that hour. We then headed back to our cars and debriefed. God spoke of refreshment and renewal, a time of God calling the westside people to himself, and a time for the residents to open their hands to others. God told me to not grow weary. As we finished sharing and began to pray, a lady and her two kids asked us if we had been looking for the boy. We said yes and she said he had just been found at a friend's house where he spent the night. We rejoiced in his safe return. We finished praying and as we did, a light rain began to sprinkle down on us. It was so refreshing.

May God thoroughly bless your day, this drizzly, cloudy Saturday.

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