Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Blessing

I don't remember if I ever blogged about this or not, but if not, here goes.

Years ago, when the kids were small, I had a friend who told me about a book called The Blessing. I don't remember a lot of detail about the book, just a general idea that a parent can give a verbal blessing to a child each day and that if a parent is mean to their child, they're taking it away.

So, many years ago as I drove my kids to elementary school I started giving my kids a blessing. I do it to this day. It goes like this:

I say, "I love you guys." (Now it's just Kristen, as Mark is in college and drives himself).

They say, "I love you too."

Then I say, "Have a wonderful, glorious, beautiful, joyful, warm (or cool depending on the weather), fun, educational day."

And they say, "You too, Mom."

Then I pray for each family member's day after they get out of the car.

Greg had to learn to do this after we got married as he sometimes drives them to school. It's funny how I feel guilty on those rare instances when my mind is preoccupied with other things and I forget their blessing. That's when my prayer for them is extra-super-duper strong.

Do you give your kids a blessing each day? It's kind of like a covering for their day. Blessings on this Thursday.

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