Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I was reading this morning a little table in my study Bible that showed the different times God gave specific instructions to people and what happened to them when they didn't follow them. Yikes! Everything from not being allowed to lead his people into the promised land, to becoming a leper, to instant death. If that doesn't put the fear of God into you, I don't know what will.

Have you ever been in a situation where God told you to do something specific? Maybe it made no sense at all. Did you do it, or not do it?

I remember praying about a simple car purchase. I had wanted a Honda Pilot for about 3 years total. But during the first year of my desire for this particular car, I felt God impress upon me to wait until I had $10,000 saved up as a down payment. As a single mom, I knew this was going to be a long wait. So I waited. I saved, but progress was very slow. I continued to research the car in Consumer Reports each year when they did their reviews. I still wanted this car. Then something amazing happened. I gave notice at my job and was given a great severance package, that I neither deserved or ever thought I would get. I continued to receive my salary for the next 34 weeks that I wasn't even working there and while I worked at my current job. I had the down payment saved in 4 months and bought the car I had wanted for years.

I've got to tell you that obeying God in all circumstances has rewards we cannot even see from where we're standing. If I hadn't obeyed God, I would have gone into a great deal of debt. Now, three years later, the car is paid for and the only debt we have is our house, which should be paid off in less than 10 years. God has blessed our obedience in so many areas. Obey the Lord your God. Blessed Tuesday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

May Our Heavenly Father continue to bless you and give you the desire to wait for those amazing things "in the garage".