Tuesday, February 9, 2010

You See Bones, I See an Army (cont,)

Movements, Not Just Meetings by Floyd McClung:
In his book, Organic Church, Neil Cole describes his journey of disenchantment with church growth seminars that explained the secret to growing churches revolved around clean bathrooms and plenty of parking spaces.

Cole describes his coming to the realization that God wanted him to help birth a movement that radically lowered the bar for what it meant to be a church, but raised the bar for what it means to be a disciple in the church.  By aggressively sharing Christ and making disciples, their movement, Church Multiplication Associates (CMA), grew in just a few years to over eight hundred churches in more than thirty states in America and twenty-five countries around the world.

...simple-church movements are spurred in their growth by personal discipleship.  It is people discipling people.  Programs don't disciple people.  Buildings don't disciple people.  People disciple people. 

It is the heart of what we do in our own movement.  In Cape Town, I meet with Nelis weekly, who in turn disciples Timothy, who meets several times a week with three young men, and if they trust Christ, Timothy will train them to reach others also.  In Pretoria, it was Gawie who discipled Cobus and Marlize, who in turn discipled Gustaf and Marina, Frans, and Werner, who are now leading the simple church.  Cobus and Marlize are now in the Middle East, where their dream is to build a movement of simple, reproducing communities carried forward through disciple-making relationships.

In South Asia, it is Bob and Sonam pouring their lives into the new leaders of a simple church of believers from Hindu and Buddhist backgrounds, who in turn are making disciples of family members and neighbors, who are discipling others as they put their faith in Christ.

When we first think of being a discipler, it can be a scary thought.  It sounds like such a big responsibility.  Really, it's just being a friend.  Someone who cares enough to correct the things that are out of line with God's word and encourages.  It's being a good listener and a faithful prayer.  Who isn't already doing that with at least one person in their life?  But we also must be strategic.  Pick people who are willing and desiring to grow.  People who will benefit from the experiences you've already had.  At the same time, it's good to find someone to pour into you.  If you're a fairly mature believer yourself, find an accountability partner.  Accountability is kind of like routine maintenance.  It's just what you need to stay on the right track, sharing new discoveries in God's word and encouragement.  Be purposeful.  Be obedient.

Matthew 28:19-20 says, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

Have a blessed rainy Tuesday.

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