Friday, April 18, 2008

Spiritual Warfare #40

A Time to Move Forward by Charles Stanley

For many people, fear is an addiction. They are stuck, and there is only one way to get out of the disastrous rut they are in: They must admit there is a deep problem. Doing this can be difficult, though, because fear is a source of security for some people.

You can overcome fear when you do the following:

Admit there is a problem and you need God's help.

Confess your belief in God's sovereign care.

Commit yourself to spending time each day with God in prayer. Reading and studying God's Word are just as important, but it is in prayer that you learn to worship God and hear His voice speaking to you through His Word and the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Meditate on God's Word, which contains His personal promises to you.

That concludes the chapter of Fear. Next, The Landmine of Immorality.

Did I mention our kitty troubles? Last Thursday our cat Sputters wasn't doing so well. Not focusing, not moving, not meowing, not getting in our laps. I thought maybe she was shutting down, as she's 12 years old. We took her to the vet and he ran blood work that showed she had a GI infection and her kidneys we being affected. He flushed her with fluids and gave her antibiotics and reran some of the blood work 24 hours later. The kidneys were perfect and though her white cell count was double normal, he flushed her again and sent her home with amoxicillan.

When we got home, she bolted out of the carrier like a cannon. She meowed, got on our laps, ate well, and did fantastic all week. Now she has been a puky kitty for over a year. That's the term our vet gave her. She throws up several times a week. (Hence the reason for the remodel, to put down tile) Last night she started throwing up again. I'm so sad. It looked like the antibiotics were fixing whatever was making her throw up. We changed her food when she got home, taking her off the allergy food and on straight C/D. I wish I knew what was causing the vomiting and how to stop it. Maybe it's a blockage or something, I don't know.

Why is it bad things always come in threes? Have a blessed day!


Michele B said...

Bad things DO come in threes!! You're the second person I've heard say that in less than 24 hours. (I can't remember the other one.) One of our threes this morning has me hoping (with three days before I start my new job) that I don't have appendicitis. I've been in bed all day with "RLQP." That's medical lingo for "right lower quadrant pain," a classic symptom for appendicitis. ANYWAY, enough about me.

I want to empathize on the kitty thing. We went through something similar about a year ago with our 12-year-old Catlin. (Elizabeth picked her out at a grocery store giveaway of "free kittens.")

She would also throw up from time to time, and slowly lost weight until she was hardly there. Blood work didn't show anything.

I wish I could say it had a happy ending. We opted not to spend potential thousands on further investigation... some folks told us she was too young to die of natural causes, adding to the guilt we already felt at having her put down.

I'm NOT saying that's what Sputters needs. Not at all. I'm praying she's got 7 or 8 more lives in her. I'm just saying I know how frustrating it can be wanting to do the best we can for a beloved pet, especially when we don't know what's wrong.

Do keep us posted!

Sandy Hazenberg said...

Thanks Michele. I hope your LRQP isn't what you think it could be. Hopefully it's just a little food reluctant to leave. ;-)

You did the right thing for your cat. I had to put our Papillon down about 10 years ago. I never had to do anything like that before. It was sad to see the life leave him. I hope when it is Sputters' time, she goes peacefully in her sleep.