Thursday, December 3, 2009

Flexibility Was the Word Yesterday

I sit at my desk remembering all the things that happend yesterday and my eyes glance over to the Franklin Covey catalog I get.  (Time to re-order my calendar pages for 2010!).  On the front cover are the words, "I am a planner."  How true!  Me too!  That didn't seem to matter at all yesterday.

I got up, showered, did my shoulder stretches and sat on the sofa with my Bible, thinking, "Ah, this is so nice!  Kristen will drive herself to school, Mark will drive to school, Greg will go to work, I will spend a couple hours with a dear friend, hit the grocery store on the way home, start the laundry, and spend the next few hours finishing painting the set for Sunday, catch up on my list at my desk, and take Kristen to her oral surgery consultation at 3:30.  It's going to be a great day!"... Ha!!!

Kristen got up, not having gotten dressed for an hour (she's been not feeling well) and asked me to write a note to get her out of class early, as the teacher was planning to dismiss the kids early today, but I had to sign her out at the office, since Kristen is under 18.  Which meant, driving to school at 2:30.  My first flexibility moment.  "Could you also drive me to school?"  My second flexibility moment.  Ugghhh.  "Sure."  "Could you make my lunch?  I'm running late."  "Sure."  My third flexibility moment.  I take her to school and come home.

Mark got up and said, "Mom, I think I need your help with something today.  I ran over a screw and my tire is going flat.  Can you follow me to the tire store to drop off my car and take me to the college?  (Which also meant, and could you pick me up at 2:30 and drop me off to pick up my car at the tire shop).  My fouth flexibility moment.  "Sure."  "I'll call my friend and tell her I'll be late."  I asked him to call around to see who had his tire in stock and get the best price.  He found my tire store was $20+ cheaper, had it in stock, and could have him out in 30 minutes.  He decided he could wait for the car and be late to class.  "I'll call my friend back and tell her I can come now." My fifth flexibility moment.

I saw my friend and spent a little more time than planned, but it was a great time of sharing and learning.  My sixth flexibility moment.  I come home and was greeted at the door by our 2 year old golden retriever who once again jumped the six foot wooden gate on the side of the house.  My seventh flexibility moment.  I put him in the backyard and went to the bathroom.  When I came out, he was gone.  I opened the front door, looked at the driveway, and here he comes again!  I put him in the backyard and tied him up, getting mud all over my shirt, pants, and shoes.  I came in and changed into my paint clothes.  After all, I had to get back to my planat some point, and now seemed like the time to do it!

I put on the laundry, noticed the dog dish was dirty and decided to clean it.  As I'm washing the dish, the phone rings.  It's Greg.  "I'm so glad you called!  I have to tell you what the dog did."  When I finished, he told me Kristen called him and is sick at school and needs to be picked up.  My eithth flexibility moment.  I left and picked her up in my paint clothes.  I connected the dots of her symptoms with a list on TV of the swine flu.  Sore throat, body aches, tiredness, etc.  I decided to call the doctor.

They could get her in at 2:30.  My ninth flexibility moment.  I called and rescheduled the oral surgery appointment.  I worked on the laundry tried to finish my quiet time.  No painting in sight.  The doctor said she had a sinus infection and was negative for swine flu.  Yeah!  She had the same symptoms Greg and Mark had.  I hope I'm not next. 

I came home and then left to get her prescription.  I had to wait about 30 minutes so I finished my Christmas shopping.  I went to the counter and asked for the prescription I had just dropped off.  I paid for it and my items and came home.  When I called Kristen to come take her medicine, I noticed they had given me the auto refill prescription that had given Kristen hives two weeks ago, not the antibiotic.  I had to go back.  My tenth flexibility moment.  They wouldn't take it back.  It was in a plastic/foil heat sealed bag, like a bag of candy, obviously had not been tampered with at all, and they wouldn't give me my $20 back.  Not a happy camper at all!  I got the antibiotic after being advised to call the regular pharmacy manager tomorrow.  Now they're infringing on my plans for tomorrow!  Gggrrrrr.  I had had a good attitude until this point, now I was losing it.  I was nice at the pharmacy, but not happy when I got home. 

Anyway, I hope I can go to the grocery store and paint today.  I dare not make any further plans for today in case God isn't finished dealing with my inflexibility. 

Have a blessed foggy Thursday.

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