Friday, January 29, 2010

Just a Little Catch Up

It's been a while since I've blogged on what's going on at the Hazenberg household, so here goes:
Sunday Greg was presented with a beautifully handmade lectern.  He was so surprised!  Our Youth Pastor, Josh Kemper, asked his step-father, Mike, seen below, to build it and he did a beautiful job.  With cherry, walnut, ash, and 50 hours of donated labor, Mike put raised crosses on the front and inlaid Greek symbols for alpha and omega with a cross in between on the desk face.  Greg, Mike, and I and probably others had tears in our eyes as Greg saw it for the first time.  I apologize for my poor impromptu photography.  I think there is something wrong with my camera.  Kristen took a better picture below with her camera.
Also this week, my ophthamologist appointment went well.  My cornea is a little thicker than normal, which produces higher pressures, but they don't hunt that down with medications anymore.  So I'm good for another 6 months!  My optometrist said my left contact was -2.25 but my vision in that eye was -3.0.  That explains my bad vision!  So that's all good too!!!

Kristen went to the oral surgeon this week and found out she has 2 impacted wisdom teeth.  Three of the teeth haven't erupted yet, but one barely did.  If the insurance gets back to us quickly she should have all four out on the 18th of February.

Kristen was asked to Homecoming and will be wearing a burgundy gown.  They are going to see the play "Wicked" in San Francisco and have dinner.  She's very excited.

Greg had surgery on his arm today to remove a 50 cent piece-sized skin cancer called basal cell carcinoma.  It was done by Joe Romeo of Romeo Medical Clinic.  (We love our medical center.  Everything is in one place!)  He was in and out in less than an hour.  Deep and shallow stitches, and he can shower and work.  The shallow stitches come out in a week, the others dissolve.  Local anesthesia.  He's all good!!!!

Mark has been fighting a cold and a little sleep deprivation but he's almost done with his winter-term class on Nazi Germany.  He love the subject.  He's now working with the Jr. High at New Life Christian Center.

This Sunday, the 31st, we'll wrap up our last sermon on Reaching Out, then we start a 4-part series on Family.  I'm excited that Greg and I will be sharing what we do to nurture a healthy family emotionally and spiritually the 7th.  Josh Kemper will speak on the 14th on A Healthy Family is Learning to Communicate Well, Dan will speak the 21st on A Healthy Family is Learning to Spend Time Together, and Dick will speak the 28th on A Healthy Family is Learning to Grow Spiritually and Emotionally.

I got back on the mower this week, twice.  Boy am I sore.  I trip to Atkinson Chiropractic and I'm all good!!!

Have a blessed sunny Friday!!!!

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