Thursday, January 14, 2010

You See Bones, I See an Army (cont,)

The latest highlights from Floyd McClung's book:

Apostolic leaders are called to focus their gifts and energies, and the gifts and energies of those they lead, on winning, maturing, and multiplying others in church-planting movements.  They can do this in the marketplace and in the nations.  If they do this well, they are "wise master builders."  Not to do so is to be a foolish builder.

If you are devoted to apostolic ministry, and gathering and multiplying new disciples for Jesus does not excite you, there is a good chance you need to go back to the Cross.  You may need to fall in love with Jesus all over again, to catch a fresh vision of why God made you they way he did.  Effective disciples of Jesus know what they are called to do, and they do it single-mindedly.  It's certainly not for their own entertainment or fulfillment that they are called to follow Jesus.  They are not gifted with the gifts God has given them to bounce from one visionary endeavor to another.  They are called to build God's church, no matter what their vocation in life. 

I am convince it is not the famous but the faithful who will receive the big crowns in heaven.

Ten Characteristics of Courageous Apostolic People

1.  Vision
2.  Faith
3.  Building, not just blessing
4.  Miraculous supply
5.  Starting new churches
6.  Settle disputes and apply discipline
7.  Appoint and coach local church leaders
8.  Suffer persecution and endure hardship
9.  Impart values and vision
10.  Movements and networks

Leading reluctant people and helping them overcome their objections and fears is what helps leaders stay close to God.

When I look at the list above, and compare Greg to it, it is obvious he is an apostolic leader.

1. The first thing he did when he asked God to confirm the name of our church is to receive the vision from God.
2. He has an unwavering faith, believing God for the impossible. How many other people do you know who would plant a church in the poorest part of town?
3. He started building our church with a prayer walk and prayer meetings.
4. I remember Greg telling me of a conversation he had with God about 30 years ago. He was working hard in his landscaping business, at the time focusing on becoming more successful than his brothers in business. He was considering buying a house and saving for retirement. God told him not to. He struggled with this, as would I, that it wasn't logical not to plan for the future. But God knew his plan for Greg. Someday he would marry me, who had a house and a retirement fund. He didn't have to worry about it, just focus on what God was calling him to do at the moment, and God would take care of the rest.
5. He started a church.
6. He is often brought in to settle disputes and facilitate healing between people.
7. He's built an awesome launch and leadership team and continues to add and develop leaders.
8. He lost a wife to diabetes, and one to her adultery. He lost his dad to cancer. He's been financially poor. He's been accused of things and had his pastor not defend him or try to bring truth and restoration to the situation.
9. He has taught our vision and values to our team over 6 months and helped us live it out.
10. We want to be a church that plants other churches.

Yeah, I'd say Greg is apostolic. It's very cool living with someone who's passion is God's passion. Never a dull moment!

Have a blessed Thursday.

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