Sunday, March 28, 2010


Something strange happened. I hit 500 blog posts and I had no desire to post. It was like coming to a stoplight and the light never turned green. There I sat with nothing to say. Well, now it's time to update everyone on all kinds of stuff.

EQUIP Update:
1. We had 4 kids accept Christ in our worship service a month ago. Yesterday some kids from Turlock Christian joined us to deliver 450 flyers to neighboring houses on the westside, inviting them to our Vacation Bible School April 7-9. Today we had 6 new kids come to church, and got 7 registrations, 6 of which came from one of the kids!
2. Greg and I reconnected with 2 families we've helped in the past. It was great seeing them again and helping them out.
3. Still praying for a building of our own.
4. We had 23 kids in church today. We may have to switch rooms with them soon. They're outnumbering our adults!
5. We've got a baby dedication planned for Easter. We also have 2 people in our church with birthdays on Easter this year!

Personal Update:
1. I'm back working with Greg 3 days a week and feel very good. The arms are good, the shoulder is almost fixed. I was told last week that I'm 'on the other side', meaning that there is no impingement, but we just have to keep stretching it for the next month to get full range of motion back. It doesn't hurt anymore, just an ache here and there, especially after work.
2. Easter is almost here. The busiest day of the year for churches, which we are one, and the busiest day of the year for landscapers of churches, which we have three. We're in a double crunch but doing well and on track. Greg is feeling a little scrunched this week, preparing his Easter sermon, getting all our customers done, going to see my mom on Saturday, and we have 2 meetings this week at night.
3. Mark is planning a 6 week missions trip to Turkey in June/July with Monument. (Monte Vista Chapel's college group via Campus Crusade for Christ). He is raising $3500, so if you'd like to help, send a check with his name on it to Monte Vista Chapel. He's a junior at CSUS taking 15 units and working 2 part-time jobs, as well as being on Monument's worship team playing keyboard.
4. Kristen is a senior at Turlock Christian, working hard on her senior project, which is called "Whether or not Dads are important in a child's life". She has to present both sides with multiple references. Pretty involved. Powerpoint, oral presentation, written report, etc. She's also working on her part in a drama which will be at Sunrise Church April 23-25, 30 and May 1-2. She plays a church secretary of a dysfunctional church. It's a high comedy. I can't wait! She also plays drums for our church on Sunday mornings.
5. We're hoping to get our backyard done before Kristen's graduation. Fence, sprinkler system, sod, plants, fruit trees, shade trees, etc. Our taxes were more than expected so this and a few smaller things are waiting for that first.

Now you're caught up! I hope to blog more after Easter. Blessings on this gorgeous Sunday evening.

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