Wednesday, January 7, 2009

EQUIP Update

Yesterday was our first Women's Bible Study. It merged our leadership team ladies with our westside ladies and it was great. I always pray for laughter and tears at every meeting, knowing how God works our hearts when we are touched by both emotions. God was faithful and we had both.

We're studying Women of God, an IVP (Intervarsity Press) booklet on self-esteem. The first chapter was on Answering God's Call. You might think the author would take us through all the various elements of self-esteem, then end with God's call, but nope! She went straight for the dessert up front. We had ladies who hadn't heard God's call, those who were in the middle of discerning his call, and those who had been called and answered. It was great bringing together such a group of ladies with variety of situations and places in their walk. We studied Mary and how she responded to God when the angel told her she would be giving birth to a savior. May we all respond with such faith and a servant's heart.

A wonderful friend blessed me yesterday with his favorite book to read. It's called A Tale of Three Kings by Gene Edwards. I got through half of it before the women's bible study and will finish it today. I love it! It's very insightful. I showed it to Greg to see if he might read it and use it for future leadership training. He's already read it and loved it too!

Piles of paperwork and taxes await me, but first I think I'll read! Blessings to you on this once again, gray, cold, foggy Wednesday.

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