Saturday, April 18, 2009

More on this week

Tuesday we started the Parenting Bible study. I wrote this 10-week study by merging a few resources and adding my own stuff. While putting the finishing touches on that this week, I finished going through the Crisis Care DVDs and transposing my notes into a document for Greg to teach to our leadership team next month. I somehow managed to squeeze in the payroll tax reporting for the business for the first quarter, read a chapter in the Unstoppable Force book and answer the questions for tomorrow's leadership meeting, and help Greg squeeze 5 days work into 4 because we went to the Harvest Gathering Missions Conference in Fresno with our team Friday and Saturday. I came home to spend the next 2 hours doing laundry, cleaning house for the meeting tomorrow, putting away our tax stuff for personal, the business, and EQUIP, updating my blog, and doing miscellaneous stuff at my desk. Last week was no easier, getting 3 churches ready for Easter and our corporate client ready for a big tour.

Here's the great news! I have Thursday off to do the tax-exempt form for the government! Also, Monica and I are going to go through an Old Testament Bible Study book we found at the conference on Tuesdays before my other Bible Study.

On the Missions Conference, it was great! Lead by our board member John DuPree, we got to go to some great sessions and the keynote speakers were fabulous. It was so good, we bought the CDs to all the sessions. It confirmed the things we knew were true and inspired us. Greg prayed it would light a fire under the team and it did!
I hope to share some of that in an upcoming blog.

So, we still need a building and a worship leader! Please keep praying.
Time for bed, I'm pooped!

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