Sunday, April 4, 2010

And Another Thing!

So, we're visiting my mom yesterday and we leave Kristen's 5x7 of her homecoming picture up there. Not a really big deal, we'll get it back at the end of the month when they come down for Kristen's play.

So, I'm getting things ready for today's Easter service, and I can't find the tray I bought Tuesday for the refreshments! I looked everywhere. I don't know if I even brought it home. It's on the receipt, so I know I had it at the register, but can't find it anywhere. I used a larger tray I also bought Tuesday, so it worked out. Just another frustration.

Now that Easter is over, I wonder if the attacks will stop. Probably not until VBS is over I'm guessing.

Easter service was great. I loved the baby dedication, worship, and sermon on Spiritual Strength. The weather was a bit chilly, but we made it through. The kids had a great time finding eggs in the grass. One of the people in our church brought chocolate crosses and handed them out to everyone at church! We also had special music, she and her sister sang Amazing Grace. It was beautiful.

I'm looking forward to a nap, but I'm told we were invited to a birthday party, so we'll go there first, then crash. Glad there is nothing else scheduled for today!

Have a blessed Resurrection day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

May Our Heavenly Father give you "Peaceable Fruit".
Hebrews 12:11