Thursday, April 1, 2010

It's almost laughable!

As if my laundry list of our week or two wasn't enough, it just keeps getting better!
1. Today we lost a set of keys for work.
2. Greg had two guys coming to help us with a weedeating job and he had to piece together 3 pieces of equipment to make one weedeater.
3. Then we lost the gas cap to one of our weedeaters. The funny thing was, we had an extra gas cap because two weeks ago the oil cap broke and we bought the gas cap by accident, but we couldn't find our extra today. We went to one of our supply stores and they didn't sell them.
4. One of the keys we lost is to our storage unit so we couldn't park the trailer in there tonight. It will cost $50 for the storage unit people to break our lock, or $65 for a locksmith to come out. Last time this happened (oh yes, this has happened before!), the storage unit people loaned us their lock cutters for free. The times they are a changin'!
5. My back is killing me and I think I may have to go to the doctor.
6. There have been more, but we can't remember them, thank goodness!

Here's the good news:
1. The big mower is working and tomorrow we have 2 jobs left and we're done for the week! (Assuming no more equipment malfunctions)
2. We get to go out of town Saturday for several hours, and Mark got the day off to go with us!
3. It's almost Easter, and the bulletin is almost done, the fliers for VBS are printed, the baby dedication certificate is done, and the refreshment stuff is ready to go!
4. A lot of the VBS supplies are ready!

I just can't wait for this week to be over! Have a blessed cool, Thursday evening.

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