Thursday, August 13, 2009

A Different Motto

This Sunday Greg is preaching on having Joy in the Midst of Suffering. I've known this concept well, being legally separated for nine years. The suffering of separation from whom I was united with as one, being alone, having a mountain of responsibility in terms of 2 kids, a career, simultaneous ministries to juggle, and family issues. I look back on those years with fondness because God was my constant companion, provider, confidant, and Lord. (Not in order of importance!)

This week however, has been different. I'm calling it Pain in the Midst of Suffering. I seem to be handling the heat well, but the backaches, sinus headaches, allergies, muscle pains, and joint pains have me a little distracted. But, I do also have joy in the midst of the suffering, as I am thankful for the work, for the privilege of working alongside Greg and the time together that allows us to talk about ministry, for flexible work hours, for the exercise, the farmer tan, the muscle tone, and the weight loss. Sleep, a humidifier, and Tylenol seem to be my helpmates this week, for which I am also thankful. And thankfulness, can ease any burden.

What is your pain this week? Is it emotional or physical? Is it a person? :-) Know that Christ will meet all your needs and joy comes from the Lord. Pain and suffering are only temporary to those who know Him.

Have a blessed sunny Thursday.

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