Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Great Joy

I had a time of great joy yesterday, a couple of times actually.  First, during my quiet time, I pulled out my Life Journal from last year.  I started reading my entries dated from April to July.  It was fascinating seeing the journey I made from trials and faith and hope to where we are today with our church plant.  Being my first journal, I never had this experience before.  Each entry was like a mini devotional.  I thought of the two ladies who I meet with regularly and how each of them could benefit from some of the entries. 

Then I met with one of the ladies.  We had a great time of sharing and encouraging each other.  I love our times together.

Last night I read the journal entries to Greg.  I saw his wheels spinning on how to incorporate some of the entries into services or classes.  He was excited to hear the fighting words I used, when others think of me as reserved. 

Today I get to meet with my other lady.  I look forward to this meeting each week.  Pouring into each other, listening, and encouraging.  I can see how the Holy Spirit is using us in each other's lives to teach and build each other up, often without our knowledge.  Discipleship is so fun!

I encourage you today to find someone to pour into or who can pour into you.  God didn't make us to be lone rangers, but to do life together.  That's the best part!

Have a blessed, sunny, cool day.

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