Monday, October 19, 2009

Just Walk Across the Room #4 by Bill Hybels

In this book, Bill tells us what it means to live in 3D in regards to sharing our faith. Here they are:

1. Develop friendships with people in your world and then take risks to
2. Discover their stories.
3. Discern appropriate next steps.

Bill talks about one way to help someone out is to be a resource provider. Sometimes you can just offer them a book or tape to check out and that starts the curiosity juices flowing. Follow up with them to discuss their impressions of what they've read or heard. That can lead to further conversations as they continue to ask questions. In order to move from initial reactions to making a significant impact in their life, use the "Be With" factor.

At a Willow Creek leadership retreat a number of years ago, I introduced something called the "be with" factor in summarizing Jesus' approach to having the most significant impact on the people in his world. Jesus most profoundly influenced his disciples by doing life with them. He invited them into his world, and he got into theirs. Undeniably, the disciples' most momentous life-change happened during their mundane, everyday times with the Lord.

Are you committed to being with the members of your various social groups - doing life with them, sharing yourself with them, rubbing shoulders with them? If not, what's holding you back? Christ modeled the life earnestly, and authentically. And friendships that are strong today can always be traced back to that first conversation when someone chose to engage, someone chose to seek out the other person's story, and someone was willing to pay attention to occasions when the right resources would meet a few needs.

Bill goes on to relate a story of someone in his church who was trying to reach out to his neighbors. He was getting nowhere inviting them to church and trying to engage them in spiritual talks. He was discouraged, feeling he was part of a 'loser' neighborhood. Soon he came up with a plan. He challenged one of his neighbors, "I bet I can put together a better kickball team than you can." "You're on!" Soon, they averaged 65 parents and kids every other Sunday night. Soon everyone was helping plan the event, they enjoyed holiday festivities together, and eventually, some decided to try their church. There's more to this story, but you'll have to read the book!

Like Bill says in his book, "Friends, this isn't rocket science."

Blessings on this cloudy, rainy, sunny, breezy Monday.

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