Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Spiritual Warfare #13

Continuing on with pride and envy by Charles Stanley
A loss of privileges and opportunities When there is no peace, contentment, or happiness within our hearts, others will have a hard time working alongside us. When others sense that we are jealous or envious, they will make note of this and steer clear.

Broken fellowship with God You can read your Bible and pray, but something will be missing because there will be a wall between you and the Lord. This is because jealousy is a self-centered emotion. In some cases, a jealous person cannot pray with true devotion because she only wants to ask God to deal with "the other person." And the other person may be someone He has chosen to bless.

Physical sickness Bitterness, resentment, hostility, anger, jealousy, and envy can be stepping-stones to phyiscal disease. When your heart is right with God, you will be healthier. The writer of Provers noted, "A joyful heart is good medicine, / But a broken spirit dries up the bones" (17:22).

We'll stop there today. Tomorrow we'll look at seven ways to disarm jealousy.

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