Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Spiritual Warfare #19

Continuing on the The Landmine of Insecurity by Charles Stanley

God uses our circumstances to shape us. If He allows difficulties, then you know He is going to do something wonderful in your life. If you grew up hearing how much smarter your brother or sister was, then you probably felt insecure and frustrated. God will never compare you to another person. You are His, and He loves you just the way you are. If you trust Him, He will teach you all you need to know, and in His book, you will never see a failing grade.

First, you must believe in His ability and faithfulness. Second, you must trust Him even when the odds seem stacked against you. And third, you must be willing to wait for His timing. When you do, you will receive a great blessing.

Never let anyone tell you that you cannot reach the goals God helps you set. More important, do not allow negative thoughts or words to define who you are as a child of God. You have everything you need to become what God has created you to be.

If you have godly dreams hidden within your heart, then ask Him to bring them to the forefront and help you reach each one.

He will never give you more than you can handle, and if He gives you an opportunity, He also will empower you to do the work. Believe because "all things are possible to him who believes" (Mark 9:23).

There are some things we will not be able to do because God has not called us to do them. However, there are other things that He wants us to do. We will face feelings of insecurity and even feel as though we cannot do the task, but we can through Him. Too many people see a challenge and immediately think, I know I can't do it, so I won't even try.

But often, it is in the times of failure that God does His greatest work. He uses each one of our failures to mold our lives so we will become the people He has planned for us to be.

Tomorrow we'll look at Set Your Focus on Christ and Receive the Victory. As I write these wise words, I think of those of you who I know read my blog. Some of you I know deal with insecurity and fear on a daily basis, and some I have no clue. If this topic is one in which you've conquered, please stop and pray for those who are struggling with these landmines. Feel free to comment on how you've overcome these lies of the enemy, it would benefit many. Have a beautiful day.

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