Monday, March 10, 2008

Spiritual Warfare #4

Here's a great story that Charles Stanley tells:
Exposing the Landmine of Pride
God called a young man to the mission field. From the beginning one trial after another assailed him. Each time, according to him, the problem involved key leaders within his organization. Amakzingly, he refused to admit that he was part of the problem - it always was someone else. The young man began to tell others that those in authority over him could not do the work as well as he could do it. Soon he became wrapped up in getting credit for his work, but no one would acknowledge what he had done. He was too prideful, and while his friends and coworkers realized this, he did not. A short time later, he became discouraged, disgruntled, and disappointed.

Pride tempts us to believe we are better than someone else. Suddenly this young man felt as though he could no longer work with this organization. Without knowing it, his obedience to God was at stake. He was blinded by his pride and convinced that his only option was to leave the very work God had called him to do. Yet he overlooked one detail: God never rescinds His call. He may change our circumstances or location, but He will never ask us to abandon His will.

The first step this young man took toward defeat came when he did not submit himself to the authority over him. He mistakenly believed that he knew more than the leadership God had placed in his life. Once this man decided to follow the deceptive words of his heart, pride had fertile ground in which to grow.

The second step came when he was confronted over his actions and stood steadfast, thinking that he was right and everyone else was wrong. Pride never admits its failures. Instead, the prideful person continues to push forward, blindly seeking self-gratification.

Satan is overjoyed whenever we walk away from the very place God has put us. This is not limited to an office. We can walk away from relationships, responsibilities, and church and community service based on what we mistakenly believe about ourselves.

If you are setting goals without God's input, then you are on pride's trail, and you are heading for trouble.

That's a lot to think about for today. Have you or are you in a position where you aren't respecting and submitting to the authority over you? In work? In your marriage? Check your heart and ask God to illuminate any areas of pride in your life. As those who know you best if they see pride in you as well.

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