Thursday, September 10, 2009

How to Fight

All around me I see the enemy stirring things up, like a Tazmanian Devil swirling dirt in a dust devil. I've thought back over the last 2 years since God called us to plant a church and I am more convinced he has been at work to thwart our efforts since the beginning, or even sooner. It doesn't really concern us, though, as we know God will win the war. It is bothersome though, at times being knocked off balance until we get our footing again, realizing the cause, and then having peace that our God is so much bigger. Here are some of the things our church family and those we have been reaching out to have had to endure and some of the things we are still in the process of seeing what God will do.
1. Ministry Loss
2. Job loss
3. Rumor/Gossip/False Witness
4. Bypass surgery
5. Death
6. Illnesses/Siezures
7. Arrest
8. Doubt/Confusion/Fear
9. Suicide Attempts
11. Drug & Alcohol abuse

I'm sure there are more. God spoke to Greg some years ago and told him to fight spiritual battles on a spiritual plane. That means fighting in the environment which the battle resides. We are to fight from a position of prayer. As I continue to read through the Old Testament, I continually find great fighters and kings pray to God and ask if they should fight a particular battle. God answers them, and the outcome is in alignment with what God says. Even BEFORE the battle, these Godly men like David are praying about the battle. Shouldn't we do the same? Rather than wait until we've received the first blow, unsuspectedly, shouldn't we be bathing the possiblity in prayer? Be ahead of the curve. Even if you don't expect anything right now, that's the sweetest spot for the enemy to attack, when we least expect it. Many of the battles in the Old Testament show armies being attacked when they least expected it and they lost many men that way.

When Jesus instructed his disciples in prayer, he told them to say, "and lead us not into temptation." Even BEFORE they were being tempted by the enemy, Jesus told them to pray against it. So many times our prayers are during an emergency. It's better to avoid it altogether if we can.

Pray now, even when you're in a season of coasting. If your church has a prayer meeting, attend it. It will make a difference. We meet at Josh and Monica's on Tuesday nights from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and you don't have to be part of our church to attend, it's open to everyone.

Have a blessed opening night of the football season!


Jason Hicks said...

Great Post. You are correct on the Enemy attacks...but that is because God is scared of what is to come! Thanks for sharing.

Jason Hicks said...

Opps! I meant Satan is scared...not God! God is excited!