Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Nuggets #17

An Unstoppable Force by Erwin McManus
Continuing on with Chapter Eight

Spirit Matters
The modern church has often established programs, structures, and even roles and positions before it is even known who the people are. You have a position, and you've got to find someone to fill it. Recruiting volunteers can become as simple as filling slots.

The connection environment is radically different. It understands that the Spirit of God does not dwell in programs but in people. Strategies are not nearly as important as gifts, and the organizational principle that drives ministry must be the unique gifting of the people that God brings to the body of Christ.

Whenever we receive new members at Mosaic, we remind them that receiving them into our community is our commitment to inviting them to change who we are, that we may become who God desires us to be. Our commitment is not to clone them to who we already are, but that each person who joins our community is a promise from God that he is not finished with us yet. If we respect the gifts, talents, and uniqueness of each individual, then we must be willing to change. If a person's contribution is honored and respected, then he will make a difference.

Many times we have demeaned the value of the spiritual power that God has placed in individuals by forcing them to conform into what we perceive the church needs.

A community with the servant heart of God knows no limit to sacrifice, and when its people are doing what God created them to do, there is no limit to impact.

Do I hear a hallelujah? Thank you Erwin for putting my heart into words!!!!!!!! I believe that spiritual gifting is foundational for the power and fire of a body of believers. The church must not limit the individuals by making them conform to a box of behavior or serving, any more than an eagle should be caged. We should all be free to soar in the way that God created us. If not, God is the great redeemer and he will find a way to set us free to use those gifts to bring Him glory.

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