Thursday, January 24, 2008

Nuggets #30

An Unstoppable Force by Erwin McManus
Decoding DNA
Just because a person can not read doesn't mean she lacks the capacity to learn. One's present condition is not an indication of potential, but of development. The radical minimal standard that our "heroes" from Acts aspire toward is not intended to be a yoke of burden on our backs, but to inspire us to see who we could be if we allowed God to unleash his potential in us.

Resilient Transformation
The marvel of leading a New Testament community is that the genuine measure of leadership is not simply in the calling out of the extraordinarily gifted and talented. Instead, it is in the creation of an environment where each individual discovers and develops her unique gifts and talents.

On the Job Training
If the three years of Jesus' public ministry were meant to prepare his disciples, then his method of preparation was to send them into the world. The disciples never enjoyed insulation from realities of ministry and the pressures of the world around them. They were training in the context of real life and were expected - from the very first moment - to begin the process of becoming fishers of men.

Already knowing how he would meet the needs of the people, Jesus was determined to push his disciples to a different level of faith, which would result in a different level of living.

Jesus began by establishing a radical minimum standard that would permeate his church long after his ascension to heaven. We must evaluate our own preconceptions and assumptions about what it means to be a Christian.

So, my question to you is, are you being prepared to go out into the world to become fishers of men?

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