Saturday, September 22, 2007


Yesterday I had another PT appointment. They worked me hard again. So hard, that when Kristen came over to stretch me out at the end, my shoulder would not move in some of the directions she wanted it to. She said it was hot and too inflamed to have me do my usual three stretches that day. She said only do it one more time, and lots of ice. So I did. It's improving, I'm not nearly as stuck when I get up in the morning.

Yesterday I also had my 6 month opthamology appointment. To my surprise they dilated me. Usually, they just numb my eyes, stick a pen in each of them, then a blunt blue light to check my pressures. But today was a little different. I had called them before my appointment to see if they were running on time or late. Many of my late afternoon experiences have found me in the waiting room for an hour, then in the examination room for 45 minutes. Greg was leaving for the retreat, so I wanted to spend as much time as possible with him before he left. I was told, "There's almost no one in the waiting room and hardly any folders down the hall. Come on down." So I did. Twenty minutes in the waiting room, then off to the exam room. To my surprise the assistant said, "These are gonna sting", as she squirted my eyes. She's never said that before and they've never stung before. Obviously they changed numbing drops! Yikes! Livable, but not enjoyable.

After checking my vision, I was kicked out of the exam room to sit in the hallway for 45 minutes. Yes, the hallway. As my eyes slowly blurred to the point where I could no longer read, I got to enjoy the comings and goings of doctors, assistants, patients, and . . . a friend! I got to say hi to Eric from church. He's the computer tech that supports the office. It's always nice to see a familiar face in an unexpected place!

It wasn't long that I was in the exam room before the doctor came in. He worried me a little, as he looked at the backs of my eyes with his bright mirror. He repeated one of the eyes, which is always disconcerting. Then he said, "I think you're going to be fine." I love those words. He didn't even check my pressures. I go back for a pressure check in 6 months and glaucoma pictures in 3 weeks, since it's been about a year since my last pictures.

I slept really well last night. A nice flat bed, no waking up from Greg getting up to go to the bathroom, it was fabulous. It was so nice to see gray skies and light rain outside. I ran to the church at 7:30 to open up for a writing seminar, came home and made breakfast for everyone, then went to the store. When I came home Kristen and I watched the first DVD of Oprah's 20th Anniversary series. I didn't stop crying the whole time! It was just too good. I'm so renting the other DVDs. Once I composed myself, I made lunch and started a batch of beef vegetable soup. I love that recipe, especially on rainy days. That, or chili beans. Yummm!!!! It's cooking and we'll have it for dinner and many meals to come. Tomorrow, roasted beasties. (What we call roast beef)

Still need to vacuum and dust, but I feel more like reading, so I'm off to the sofa. Maybe I'll make hot chocolate!?! Hmmmmm . . .

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