Saturday, September 8, 2007

The Fighter

Mark did well yesterday. He went under just fine, telling stories the whole time. It took about an hour. They let us know where to pick him up. We received our care instructions and waited. They said since he came out of the anesthesia, he had been talking non-stop, asking many questions about what happened. So true of him. He talked early and well and always seeks information. They had to wheel him out in a wheelchair. Looking at him, it was almost like he had been in an accident. His color was kind of yellow, he couldn't talk very well with the gauze in his mouth, and you could see the blood behind his lips. His eyes were sleepy and he was very unstable on his feet. On the way home, he kept writing notes to me to communicate. One said, "I'm a fighter." I just loved that. Considering how nervous he was about the IV, he exited the procedure triumphantly. Yeah!!!!

One socket bled more than the others. It was the impacted tooth site. He drank water, had some applesauce and mashed potatoes, and was good about applying his ice pack. He was a little sore, so we gave him the ibuprofen and pain killer to stay ahead of the pain.

His surgeon called last night around 8:30 just to see how he was doing. He said not to be alarmed if there were brown clots coming out of his mouth in the morning. He said he did well and they had to drill quite a bit to get the impacted tooth out.
This morning, he's not swollen, just a little sore at the extraction sites. He's not hungry yet, which amazes me since he hasn't eaten much in the last 24 hours, but he is craving milk. No clots came out, just a little blood.

The fighter has fought the good fight.


Gena said...

Hey Sandy!
How could I have gone so long and not known you had a blog?! :-) I didn't know Mark had had his wisdom teeth out; how is he doing now?
I'll look forward to reading more. Glad to have a sister in blogland!

Sandy Hazenberg said...

Thanks Gena. Mark is doing well. He healed very quickly, no swelling, no real need for pain medication. We were so thankful, especially knowing Kristen was watching what the future may hold for her.