Monday, July 28, 2008


I thought I would share another great bit of wisdom from Erwin McManus' Wide Awake.

If you're going to create the life of your dreams, if you're going to discover the life God created you to live, you have to learn how to say no to all the other options. And the tough choices aren't between good and evil, but between all the equally good options out there that are simply not the right paths for you. You have to allow even beautiful dreams to die when they are not supposed to be yours. To make even one dream come to reality, many other dreams have to be sacrificed on the altar of your imagination.

That really struck me. I was thinking how many options we truly have, how many opportunities we have as Americans, to make our dreams come true. We can rush in and do whatever we want, or take the more patient, mature approach and pray, asking God to reveal to us His dream for our lives. Are we patient enough to wait for that one, customized, perfectly fit, just for us dream? It may take years. It may take decades. Can you wait for the sweetest passion and purpose you have ever known? Are you willing to put the hours in praying about it? Are you willing to spend time, being still and waiting for God's still, small voice to whisper his call in your ear?

The result certainly beats the fast food approach to living for God. "I'll have a #1 Typical Ministry, a large cup of recognition, and a side order of prayer, please." I think what God is serving is "Welcome to my table. I've prepared a beautiful feast for you, but it will take time to cook. Please, sit for awhile at my feet. I will start you off with some appetizers. They are the glimpses of what will be. They will be small seeds of passion rooted deep within you, so that when I call you, you will recognize what I have for you to do. Drink of my character. You may find the cup of lessons bitter at first, but they are necessary to make you more like Christ and prepare you for the meal. I will serve you appetizers of physical and emotional pain, of wrong accusations and punishment, of loss, all necessary so you can appreciate and understand what Christ went through. You will look over my table at the empty dishes and see how carefully I have chosen each part of the meal for you in preparation of your call. You will remember how each one tasted. You will see how each one gave you strength. There will be a time of waiting for the main course.

You will wonder, "Is this all there is? It was good, but there must be more." Finally, when I know you're ready to receive it, I will call you. The aroma will almost knock you over. Your head will spin. You will question, "For me? This is too great for me. Are you sure?" You will weep.

"Yes, I'm sure, my good and faithful servant. I have prepared this especially for you. You desire it because I have put the passion you require to do it in you already. Enjoy. It will take much work to eat of this, but with my strength, you are able. Be faithful. Eat the entire meal, do not quit before it is time."

Our stomachs will be satisfied as we live our lives according to God's will and purpose for us. He will give us the strength and wisdom we need to fulfil His call. We will have joy abounding. Invest in the meal.

Blessings on this gorgeous Monday!

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