Friday, July 25, 2008

Why Don't You . . . (Continued)

I thought of a few more from the other day. Again, not judging, just giving my personal reasons for not doing some things. God made us all unique, you know!

Why don't you . . .
Drink Coffee?
1. Caffeine is a heart stimulant drug. It makes your heart beat faster, so more blood flows through your body, so more oxygen gets to your brain. This makes you more alert and awake, which are good things, but I think a better way is to get enough sleep and exercise, so you don't have to artificially stimulate your body to behave the way you want it to work.
2. Caffeine causes blood pressure to elevate.
3. It stains your teeth.
4. It makes your breath bad.
5. It costs money. Water is free.
6. It's a diuretic, draining your body of the natural fluids (water) that it needs. Like soda, for every cup you drink, you have to drink 2 cups of water to replace the water you've lost.
7. It's addictive.

Talk More?
1. You learn more by listening than by talking.
2. God made me this way, and he delights in me just the way I am.
3. I'm a contemplative, a deep thinker. It's hard to think one thing when your mouth is saying something else to be conversational.
4. I hate useless small talk.
5. I share more in discipleship relationships. That's when it's most effective.
6. The more you talk, the more likely you are to start talking about someone who isn't there, which can be gossip. I avoid gossip at all costs, and have been known to end a conversation and walk away when the conversation starts going in that direction.

Go to Women's Retreats?
1. It's too far away.
2. It costs more money than I want to spend.
3. I'd rather be home with my family.
4. I loose too much sleep.
5. I'd rather do a retreat with my family or my husband.
6. I haven't found one that feeds my soul enough for the number of hours I'm there, taken into the consideration I'm an intellectual type who loves to be mentally stimulated and grow.

Spend more time with friends?
1. I'm in preparation mode right now. The time will come, fast and furious.

That's good for now. I have a full day planned which includes shopping, a few appointments, and housework. Blessings on this gorgeous, sunny Friday. I just love California!

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