Thursday, July 31, 2008


As I was reading Isaiah this morning, I was reminded again about the deep, enduring love of God. Even though Israel messed up and God allowed them to suffer hardship for it, when they turned back to God, we was there with open arms and blessings followed. We see that all through scripture, like in the story of the prodigal son. The consistent current under it all is that blessings follow obedience.

Sometimes people live in very difficult circumstances. Physical and mental health issues, difficult living conditions, financial issues, children going through difficulties and I think, "Is it an obedience issue?" Many times it is. It often isn't a love of God issue. They may love God very much. They may pray and read their Bibles daily. But still they struggle. Often there are small compromises. They would appear small anyway, but have big consequences. So I ponder, "Is it worth it? Is it worth the little shortcuts to have to live like this?" Absolutely not. Are they happy? I can't imagine they would be. Is this God's will for them? No. "So why do people choose this, instead of choosing to do it God's way?"

I guess sometimes people don't know better. They have never experienced the joy and blessings that come from obedience because they didn't grow up obeying God and didn't have role models who obeyed God. Sometimes I think it is a selfish choice. People often wonder about their difficulties. I don't think it's always a selfish choice necessarily. Sometimes the enemy messes with us just to throw us off-track and God uses those times to grow and strengthen us. Sometimes we just need discipline to get to where we should be.

Anyway, I must get moving this morning. Blessings to you on this great, sunny Thursday!

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