Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Why Don't You . . .

The Bible tells us to always be ready with an answer for why we believe. Good advice. It's also good to be ready with an answer to why we don't do certain things. Sharing all our beliefs with someone, whether it is why we do certain things, or why we don't do certain things, brings trust through our transparency. Often I've been asked why I don't do certain things, that are generally accepted things to do. Things the asker usually does. I thought I would share some of those with you today. Disclaimer: This isn't meant to judge anyone who does them, it's just my personal reasons for not doing them.

Why don't you . . .
1. There is alcoholism in my family and I've seen the destruction of families that comes from it. Alcoholism is often genetic, and I'd rather not even find out if that is a potential addiction for me.
2. It kills brain cells.
3. It makes you say and do things you wouldn't normally say and do.
4. In my early 20's I drank socially on the weekends. Twice I lost control of my bladder. After having two kids, I don't even want to go there.
5. It's healthier and cheaper to drink water. I think God wanted the majority of our bodies to drink water. That's why we're made up of so much water and why there is so much water on the earth.
6. If you never start, you never have to stop.

Get a pedicure or manicure?
1. It costs money.
2. It costs time.
3. It risks infection.
4. If God wanted our toenails or fingernails to be red, he would have created them red. It's just not natural.
5. I'd rather be responsible for the health of my body, than to cover up unhealth.
6. 1 Peter 3:3-4.
7. I think it's a cultural fad or lie that will go away eventually, and I'm not buying into it.
8. Don't they look much worse when you decide not to anymore?

Eat shellfish?
1. Shell fish are bottom feeders. They eat the waste of other sea animals. Their livers are full of waste. I don't want to put that in my body.
2. You never know if you're allergic until you swallow.
3. It's usually the most expensive of seafood.
4. The Bible says to only eat fish of the sea with fins and scales. You can dispute that by saying that was old Testament, and Jesus came to get rid of the law. Many things in the old Testament are still good advice today, like washing.

Drink soda?
1. I have 6 porcelain veneers on my teeth. Brown sodas can stain. I paid good money for these!
2. Soda has absolutely no nutritional value.
3. Soda is the leading cause of obesity in America.
4. It costs money. Water is free.
5. The Navy uses diet Pepsi to clean barnacles off the bottoms of ships. Can you imagine what it does to the soft interior of your stomach? I know a lady who drank soda every day from 16-40. She had 2 holes in her stomach and kidney problems.

1. The Bible says ill-gotten gain is bad. It's basically trying to get money for not working for it.
2. It costs money.
3. Casinos are usually smoke infested and I don't like being around people who are drinking.

I think that's about all I can think of right now. Do you know your reasons for not doing the things that you don't do? Do you have concrete reasons, or is it fear? Food for thought!

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