Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Remodel Update

Today we get some trim around our windows, maybe our whole house fan installed. Last night our contractor and our cabinet guy came over and for a couple of hours we went over the kitchen. I have permanent marker on my floor and wall! I guess tht means I don't have to clean the floor anymore? Yeah, right.

I had a bad dream last night. Really weird. Part of it was that my car was stolen. Then a mattress that is in our garage was put by our front door and there were 3 men and a lady in our garage, looking like they were trying to steal something. Then I was driving around a nice part of Modesto (a nearby larger city) looking for my car and saw that many of the homes were burned down. There were teenage girls dressed up as witches for Halloween, lots of cats and kittens, torches, lawn gnomes, fire pits, etc. It look really bad. Not really evil-scarry bad, but like they were buying into lies and enjoying themselves bad, like they didn't know they shouldn't be playing around with that stuff.

Greg said he can't tell when I cut off from reporting on a book and start writing my own thoughts again. I went back to yesterday's blog and made the distinction. Hope that helps. Blessings on this lovely Tuesday!

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