Sunday, July 20, 2008


Last night, our golden retriever 'puppy' aka moose, decided to practice his vocal exercises and bark much of the night. There wasn't anything to bark at that we could find, but Casey was determined. Greg and Mark both got up multiple times to try and make him stop. A variety of methods were used, patience was tried, and Greg ended up sleeping a few hours on the sofa to be closer to keeping him quiet.

I was mostly oblivious to the noise. My hearing was tested a few months ago and I found I had mild to moderate hearing loss in both ears, it is genetic, and likely to worsen.

It is frustrating when you can't hear people talking to you. Someone may be offended if we don't respond to them, but it's just that can't hear that they said anything, then we have to make amends. Sometimes we have to ask someone to repeat things, sometimes repeatedly, and that can frustrate them. I often have to ask for the TV to be turned up. This is difficult on my kids, who have exceptional and sensitive hearing. It's also a little unsettling, knowing that if there is a threatening noise outside, I can't hear it. Thankfully Greg is a light sleeper and can wake up quickly. God knows exactly what we need.

Then there are times when not being able to hear is a good thing. If I walk by two people gossiping, I'm very glad I can't hear what they're saying. And take last night for example. I was very glad I didn't hear most of it. I didn't even hear Greg leave the bedroom last night.

Sometimes we choose what we hear and what we don't. Sometimes I think God protects us from things we shouldn't hear. I'm thankful that hearing God's voice isn't dependent on my physical ability to hear. May that sensitivity never falter. Blessings to you this wonderful Lord's day.

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