Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My Last Day

Well, I wish I could say I had this really good, insightful blog to post today about transitions or something, but I haven't put much thought into it. As I leave my job of only 3 1/2 years (a record for me, most jobs stints are much longer) I'm surprised by my elated mood. When I left Gallo, I was also very happy, looking forward to working at the church. As I leave the church, I'm also very happy, looking forward to planting a new church and enjoying all that comes with ministry. I look forward to seeing Greg finally enjoy the calling God placed on him so many years ago and absolutely flourish at what God created him for.

Much of my reading in the Bible these days point to a restored Jerusalem. I think of the Westside that way. Though many have turned from God, He is calling them back to an abundant life with Him. I can't wait to see what God will do in individual lives, families, and the entire neighborhood.

I invite you to continue reading my blog and following the gestation period and birth of this new baby church. It's an exciting time, and I pray that through this, God will spark a desire in you to take risks, put all your faith in Him, and go for it!

Blessings on this gorgeous Tuesday.

1 comment:

Jason Hicks said...

Thank you for all you do and did! I will miss you..one analyst type to another thank you for order! Now, I am excited to read about the journey God is taking you guys on...keep us informed!