Thursday, August 16, 2007

Push, Pull, or Run Like the Wind

I try to run about 4-5 mornings a week. I don't know if it is because I like to check it off my list, I'm trying to avoid the guilt that comes from not running, or I like to think I'm contributing to my health and longevity. Maybe I just like the feel of the cool, crisp morning and the wind against my face. It wakes me up and gives me energy for the day, and usually into the evening.

The last two weeks, I haven't run that much. I almost always take Sascha, my 12 year old German shepherd. As soon as we hit the sidewalk, she takes off. I think she feels more like a pup when she's running. At this point, she's pulling me. We have a pretty big block, with 3 courts on the other side, and she runs me all the way around. By then, I like to stop and walk a little. She'll start to jog a little but much slower. It's at this point I start to pull her. She seems to need the encouragement at this point.

This morning as I got out of bed, Greg said, "Run like the wind, baby." I thought about this as I was running. It encouraged me to keep running and I ran twice as far as usual.

Sometimes our relationship with God is similar. Sometimes he pushes us a little, giving us a heart passion in an area he's designed us for. The passion serves as a motivation to head in a certain direction with our lives, which includes our time, talent, and treasure. Sometimes he pulls us, or gives us someone in our life to pull us into a place of growth where we might not venture ourselves. Sometimes, God doesn't seem to have a preference regarding an area, not giving us a specific answer to prayer on which way to go, giving us the freedom to run like the wind.

In what areas is God pushing you? What are you passionate about? What do you keep thinking about? What are you imagining you can do to make a difference in someones life?

In what areas is he pulling you? Are you dragging your feet or surrendering? A word of advice, it's always better to surrender. It gets so much easier after that point.

Where are you running like the wind? I don't mean running from something, I mean running to or with something. Think about these things today.

1 comment:

Joanne Reese said...

I've been so inspired and challenged by your entries. Keep up the good work, I've enjoyed reading what's on your heart.