Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Summer Reading Part III

I've been spending my spare reading time in Just As I Am by Billy Graham. I'm about 50 pages into this 760 page book. My general impression so far is this is a very humble, transparent man. He has exposed mistakes he's made, such as a meeting with Harry Truman. A White House staff memorandum in late 1951 stated "At Key West the President said very decisively that he did not wish to endorse Billy Graham's Washington revival meeting and particularly he said he did not want to receive him at the White House. You remember what a show of himself Billy Graham made the last time he was here. The President does not want it repeated." Yikes! That could nose dive anyone's career, but God knew his heart and his potential and yet blessed him. He certainly learned from his mistake and didn't repeat it when presented with a similar circumstance. One of my mottos is 'Every experience is worth it as long as you learn from it.'

After this story in the introduction, the book begins with his humble beginnings as a farm boy outside Charlotte, N.C. It talks about how his father came to Christ, and how Billy went from a boy living his parent's faith, to making the decision for himself. These two stories have been my favorites. To me, it is such an amazing glimpse of God working, when I hear someone's testimony. It's exciting and faith stirring.

I had the honor of being a follow-up worker at last year's Harvest Crusade. I met with a group of 5 women, 4 of which were rededications. Just being down front in that crowd of people weeping from experiencing the Holy Spirit moved me to tears. It was an experience I'll never forget. I wish that everyone would be willing to serve in that capacity. The blessing that comes from being there is overwhelming.

If you're not already signed up to be a follow-up worker or usher or volunteer in some capacity, please plan to attend and bring your unsaved friends and relatives. You can't miss this. This event will be a milestone in your spiritual walk.

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