Monday, August 20, 2007

School Bells Ring

It was inevitable. I've watched friends and co-workers get their kids ready to start another year of school, and today, the day has hit our family. My sophomore has been in a state of apprehension for several weeks, but I'm happy to say this morning she woke up with a great attitude and an air of self-confidence. Yeah!

This doesn't just affect her, my schedule moves up 30-45 minutes as well. This morning was the first morning I've run in the dark since last winter. It was a little eery, but it was quiet and cool. The sun started to come up just as we finished our last lap.

It is a little empty this morning, though, because for the first time in 11 years, I only have one child getting ready for school. Mark starts Stanislaus the first week of September. He's sleeping now, giving Kristen full freedom in the bathroom and kitchen to get ready. It makes for a quiet morning. But this will change in a few weeks, though he goes a little later in the morning.

I will surely be praying for my little one throughout the day. I wonder how my life would have been different if I had praying parents when I went to school and faced all they challenges of growing up. I'm glad my kids are covered. I trust you are praying for your kids daily too.

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