Greg left and called me a few minutes later to tell me to look at the sun. It was bright red! I've never seen it so bright and colorful before. All the smoke in the Central Valley of California tinted the look of it. It was beautiful!
The brightness and definition of the sun reminded me of God and how we're to be focused on Him. We're to zero our thoughts in on Him. When I saw the sun this morning, I didn't even really see the trees or the gray smoke filled sky around it. All I saw was the sun and it captivated me, as our Father captivates our hearts. His will for our lives and our relationship with Him are more important than whatever is going on around us.
This reminds me of a time over a decade ago when God gave me a word for someone. I'm not a prophet, and I don't have the gift of prophesy, but sometimes God will give someone a gift for a one-time use or a brief period of time. I was reading my Bible one night before going to bed, and this thought came into my head. I didn't know at the time it was a Bible verse. It didn't stop. I fought it. I felt God wanted me to call this person (at 10:00 at night!) and tell them God was pleased with what they were doing, to stay on track, and not to veer to the left or to the right. Basically, stay focused, don't be distracted by other options. I figured maybe this person was trying to decide what to do, they were at a crossroads choosing between staying on the present course or changing lanes. I didn't want to disturb him or his wife and kids at bedtime, with what may have been received as a ridiculous thought of the flesh. I wimped out. I never called and to this day, I have never told him about this. I feel I missed an opportunity and I regret not being more obedient to the Spirit's leading. I trust God used someone else or spoke to him Himself.
As I look out the window this morning at the crimson-tinted sky, I watch Ramon ankle deep in concrete. Here are a few pictures.
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