Wednesday, July 18, 2007

And Rain It Did

Well, I got back from the doctor a little while ago. It didn't go as planned. It was supposed to be a quick shot, like all shots. Ha, ha, ha.

I thank God I have a wonderful doctor. He was so thoughtful. He came in with the shot behind his back, purposefully hiding it from my sight. Greg was with me and when he saw it he exclaimed. Oh, great. It was about 4" long and all of it went in my shoulder. Thankfully the doctor froze the injection site and it didn't hurt at all. The bad part was that as he stuck it in, he hit something, he tried again and hit something else. Because of damage or inflammation or both, he had trouble finding a spot to squirt the stuff. After what seemed like a minute or two, he started asking how my color was and how I was doing. I was fine until then. I started to think, oh, I could faint from this. So I went from A to Z and started feeling panicky and woozy. I asked him to please hurry, and he finished, and I layed down and fanned my face for 5-10 minutes as we talked.

Unfortunately I had lost some strength and motion from last Friday and after the medicine took effect, I had a little more strength but still didn't have much better range of motion. Now I have to have an MRI to see what is really going on. Surgery is a maybe at this point. He said cancer would have shown up on the x-ray and since I have no other systemic symptoms, he's pretty sure it's not that.

So, I'll find out in a couple of weeks what the damage is and what we're going to do about it.

Thank you for your prayers. I wasn't nervous all day and only slightly an hour before. My blood pressure wasn't even as high as it normally is when I go to the doctor, yeah!

Enough about my shoulder. I spent the day resting and reading a fabulous book, or at least about 90 pages of it, almost half. It's Next Generation Leader by Andy Stanley. My Sr. Pastor is reading it and it is so insightful and so dead-on. I can't put it down. Next, I'll read Spiritual Leadership, which was highly recommended by a dear friend.

The plan for tonight is swimming, so I'm off to the backyard.

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