Thursday, July 19, 2007

Next Generation Leader

I've just finished Next Generation Leader. I have thoroughly enjoyed this book. Here's what "struck" me.

The first section was on competence. Andy wrote about how we sometimes think we have to be the jack of all trades and end up the masters of none. We should delegate the things we don't do well and don't enjoy doing to those who are gifted in those areas and "let go". We should concentrate on what God has gifted us to do and excel in that.

The next section was on courage. He wrote "A leader is someone who has the courage to say publicly what everybody else is whispering privately. It is not his insight that sets the leader apart from the crowd. It is his courage to act on what he sees, to speak up when everyone else is silent." I could use that. "Courage is not the absence of fear. Courage is the willingness to strap on your fear and move ahead." "Unbridled fear results in missed opportunities." Sometimes I feel like though I'm scared to do something, I have to do it anyway, not even so much for the result but for the growth that comes from overcoming the fear.

The next section was on clarity. Andy talked about what to do when you're uncertain where you're going. We all need to seek the counsel of others. It's just plain wise. It's also okay to say, "I don't know." But as leaders we need to be clear in our direction and display confidence. The worst thing we can do as a leader is to pretend that we have all the answers. People will figure out that we don't, then our integrity in in question.

The next section was on coaching. I didn't agree totally with Andy's descriptions of coaching and mentoring, etc. I've done some reading on discipleship, which is the spiritual term for coaching and mentoring. He did give good examples of people in his life who have invested themselves in him. I think the most important part is that almost everyone should have a "coach" in some regard, at least in some part of their life, who can shore up those loose, unsure areas and give advice and wisdom. I also believe everyone should be investing their time in someone else. A church body will become much stronger when these relationships are in place.

The next section was on character. I think every leader and potential leader should read this section at least. Character is doing what's right even when it's hard. The important thing to keep in mind is that we need to make up our mind now how we will be, what our beliefs are, and how we will respond in certain situations, so that when the situations arrive in the heat of the moment, our decision is clear and we won't waver. "Doing the right thing when it costs something is the essece of true heroism. It is also the mark of a great leader. When you find a man or woman who will do what's right regardless of what it costs personally, you have discovered a leader worth following. When you choose to take a stand for what is right at the risk of losing what is precious to you, then you too have become a leader worth following." Another quote I liked was "There is never a reason to violate the principles of God in order to maintain the blessings of God." Here's another. "To become a leader worth following, you must be intentional about developing the inner man. You must invest in the health of your soul. ignore the condition of your soul is the equivalent of planning to fail."

There is so much good stuff in this book. If you are a leader or have a heart that burns to lead this is a must read.

1 comment:

Joanne Reese said...

Can't wait to pick mine up!