Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Bring the Rain

I can't tell you how much this song has ministered to me this week. I keep hearing it on the radio. This song helps me put in perspective those trials we go through, and we all go through them. What's a big thing to me might be tiny to someone else and vice versa. I guess it just depends on what your own individual giants are. If it will bring you praise, bring the rain. Whew.

About 6 months ago I injured my shoulder (I think). I've had physical therapy and done exercises. At first it felt like my arm was loose in the socket, now it feels like something is stuck. I don't have a full range of motion. The doctor gave me the option of having a lidocaine/cortisone shot into the shoulder or being on Naproxin for 2 weeks. I had to take a few days to consider which was better for me. Neither sounded that great but I've opted for the shot, tomorrow. This will let him know if I can't move it because of inflamation/pain or because there is an impingement like torn cartilage. An impingement would indicate an MRI as the next step, which can mean surgery. I've become a big chicken when it comes to medical things. I was very brave after giving birth, twice. I felt I could have brain surgery with no drugs after having gone through that. But over the years, I've gotten very protective of my body and get very concerned at the slightest things. I don't want to be like this.

I told my friend I'm discipling about my predicatment. She was familiar with cortozone shots. She said she had had one in her back. She said I was being chicken. She told me I'm wasting time, that I should have the shot, that I'd feel so much better. That helped bring me back to reality and a better perspective. I'm so thankful for people who speak into my life frankly.

So, even though this is probably not a big deal to anyone reading this, please pray for me to be brave tomorrow. I go back and forth between courage and chicken. Thank you.

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