Thursday, July 12, 2007

Rabbit Trails

I just love rabbit trails. Do you ever clean house in a rabbit trail? You pick up one thing from one room, put it away in another, find something there, put it in another room, see something that needs to be cleaned so you go get the cleaning stuff, and your still not in the room that you had intended to clean? It's not the most efficient way to clean but it still gets done!

Greg and I had gone to S.F., Monterey, and Carmel for 2 days last month and on Saturday morning during our quiet time, God took me on a wonderful rabbit trail. I was in the middle of doing an IBS on 2 Timothy and was doing my homework. I wanted a little more information on a verse, so I read the note at the bottom, which referred me to another book of the Bible, which had a referral in it's comment to another verse, and so on. I got such a wealth of insight from this rabbit trail. I was engrossed for an hour and a half and could have kept going, if my stomach hadn't started growling for lunch.

I had the same experience today. I'm reviewing a Bible study for a friend, and it told me to read Psalm 119. Wow! I can use this in discipling another friend. This is great! I just had to stop and blog before finishing it. I guess God created me to be part detective. I love searching and digging to find truth. What a wealth at our fingertips!

I love the verse that says, "Always remember what you have learned. Your education is your life--guard it well!" Pr. 4:13 (GN).


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