Monday, February 4, 2008

The Way God Works

I'm a firm believer in the providential will of God. This is a term I learned while watching Andy Stanley's Discovering God's Will DVD. Andy explains that you need to know how God works and you do that by reading His word. Once you figure out how God works, you can more easily discern His will for your life, making decisions so much easier.

When watching the SuperBowl yesterday, we saw Eli Manning give a friendly bump and smile to the opposing quarterback. What he received was a less than friendly response. I knew at that moment that God would probably have a hand in the outcome of the SuperBowl. There was even more evidence by seeing how the Patriot's coach acted on camera throughout the season. Though he and the team appeared humble, there was an underlying tone of pride that could be discerned.

It's just like God to lift up the truly humble and bless them. James 4:6 says "...God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble." It makes you really want to watch your heart attitude. No matter how much talent or what kind of past record(s) you hold, if your heart isn't right, God will hold you back until you learn this important lesson.

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