Wednesday, May 28, 2008

More About Ministry

Some of our staff is going through a book by Wayne Cordiero called Doing Church as a Team. It's a great book, and easy read, and is full of common sense about doing church. I highlighted a lot in the last two chapters I've read and won't share it all here, but here's some of what I loved.

"The ministry belongs to you and me, and it requires both of us. Doing church is not the responsibility of the professional clergy and a few talented staff people; it is the privilege of all of us-together.

You don't find the strength of a church in the beauty of its building, the number of attendees or the size of its budget. A church is only as strong as the involvement of its members; and the more each person takes ownership in the ministry of the church, the stronger it becomes. Only when we realize that God has called every one of us with an equally divine imperative can the church at large and our individual congregations begin to reach their fullest potential."

I believe this with all of my heart. My prayer is that all churches believe it too and act on it. No one should be left out of ministry, since God created everyone to serve. Who can you tap on the shoulder and involve in your ministry? I'm sure there are lots of people in every church who aren't serving. Let's get them involved in discovering God's purpose for their lives. Anything less is robbing them. Have a blessed Wednesday!

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