Saturday, May 10, 2008

Windows, Doors, & Walls

God ministered to me yesterday while reading Chasing Daylight. I really needed to hear this and it confirmed what Greg had said to me earlier. I hope you enjoy it.

Most divine moments need to be seized, not simply walked through. In the midst of our discouragement we find God creating a new opportunity we never imagined-that would be the window. Yet many times what we find are closed doors, locked windows, long corridors, endless hallways-in other words, lots of walls. It's pretty easy to see the doors of opportunity, and it is always exhilarating when windows of opportunity open before us. What can be missed are the endless divine opportunities hidden behind the walls that can be discovered only if we go through the walls.

Some of life's greatest opportunities are not behind doors or windows, but behind walls.

I've become convinced over the years that the most important moments to seize, the most significant God opportunities, are the ones that do not come easily. Even when they begin easy enough, oftentimes they become far more complex and difficult in the later phases. It shouldn't surprise us that giving ourselves to great things comes with a cost.

Have a blessed Saturday.

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